- adj.(对人说话的方式)恶狠狠的,疾言厉色的,发急的

' That is beautiful , Tony , ' Momma said , no longer sounding at all snappish .
He 's very snappish when he arrives at work in the morning .
What makes you so short-tempered ? in an ill-natured and snappish manner .
They might not send a thank-you after being treated to lunch , or they might send a snappish email that is more of a demand than a request .
In an ill-natured and snappish manner .
She wouldn 't hear of it , denied that she was putting Louis in any greater danger than he already faced , turned decidedly snappish , and went off to bed .
I said his heaven would be only half alive ; and he said mine would be drunk : I said I should fall asleep in his ; and he said he could not breathe in mine , and began to grow very snappish .