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  • 网络间苯二甲酸磺酸钠
  1. A Study on the Application of CAPP Technology based On SIPM / CAPP


  2. Measurement of Third Monomer ( SIPM ) Content in Cationic Dyeable Modified Polyester Fabric


  3. The solubilities of SIPM both in water and8 % sodium sulfate solution at different temperatures were studied by NMR with satisfactory results .


  4. The research progress in synthesis of sodium dimethyl isophthalate-5-sulfonate ( SIPM ) , a dye modifier for PET fibers , was reviewed in recent 20 years .


  5. Two methods used in the microanalysis of semiconductor interfaces , Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy ( BEEM ) and Scanning Internal Photoemission Microscopy ( SIPM ), are described .


  6. It was found that the alkali hydrolytic rate of copolyester increased with the increasing of AAand SIPM , while decreased with the increasing of BD.


  7. The maximal inspiratory pressure ( MIP ) and the sustainable inspiratory maximal pressure ( SIPm ) in 124 normal adults were measured by the 2-minute incremental threshold loading test to research the inspiratory strength and endurance .


  8. A class of polyester ionomers with various contents of sulfonate group were prepared from dimethyl terephalate ( DMT ) and dimthyl ( sodiosulfo ) phathalate ( SIPM ) by ester-exchange reaction and then melt co-polycondensation .


  9. The domestic production processes of cationic dyeable polyester ( CDP ) and its modifiers , namely 5-sodium sulfo dimethyl isophthalate ( SIPM ) and 5-sodium sulfo bis ( - hydroxyethyl ) isophthalate ( SIPE ) were introduced .
