single exchange
- 网络单一交易所;单互换

That level would trump the amounts raised on any single exchange last year .
Since cyanobacteria contain multiple copies in the genome , the strains obtained are single exchange mutants .
Maybe all of these can be subscribed in one sentence , No single exchange rate regime is right for all countries or at all times .
An investor wagering that both gold and equities will go up should need to provide less collateral if a single exchange is used .
Compared in the situation that the value of Bit-product is transformed into monetary exchange value in a single exchange , this way of accumulating opportunity value may increase the total money at last .
The single exchange approxi - mation used for computing correlation corrections to exchange energy was found to be reasonable only in the region near the Van der Waals minimum distance of 0.42 nm for nitramide dimer .
A big challenge of building an index truly representative of the Chinese market is that there is no single exchange that captures the whole , and foreign investors have to overcome regulatory hurdles to buy a shares , those listed on the Shanghai market .
Prevention and nursing care of adverse reactions in the single plasma exchange treatment of liver failure
Fabrication of Single Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell and Conductivity Measurement of the Membrane Electrolyte
The isobar excitation mechanism of the pion single charge exchange reaction
Resistance Function of GNS to VCR Initiating Lymphocyte Sisters Single Chromosome Exchange
This optimization allows the endpoints to establish corresponding RM Sequences with a single message exchange pair .
Simultaneous Separation of Organic Acids , Inorganic Anions and Alkaline Earth Metal Cations Using single Anion Exchange Column
In this paper , the inner structure and character of our single data exchange center are firstly overviewed and analyzed , then the multi-domain management model is presented .
The response is retrieved by a second request , also modeled as a request / reply operation with two messages sent as a single transport-level exchange .
After electrodialysis desalination , glutamine could be separated successfully from glutamic acid by passing the retained broth through a single anion exchange column .
A truth universally acknowledged for some years in western financial markets has been that a single stock exchange in possession of a good strategy must be in want of a partner .
The initial request is modeled as a request / reply operation , with two messages ( a transmission with a reply ) sent as a single transport-level exchange .
From 1994 , our country has set up single floating exchange rate system with management which is based on market supply and demand . This makes the alteration of exchange rate of RMB has more remarkable impact on China 's trade development .
According to the bottleneck problems identified from production status and ideal state value stream map , this article using assembly cell line improvement , single minute exchange of die , establishment and implementation of kanban management system for the improvement analysis as the main content .
SO2 with volume fractions from 5 × 10-8 to 3.2 × 10-6 was introduced into the cathode of a single Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell ( PEMFC ) to investigate the effect of SO2 on the performance of the PEMFC .
After the investigation , we found that Guilin International Wholesale Market exists many problems such as backward management philosophy , low main market players systematization , single means of exchange , and backward network construction .
Yet for the moment , the Pit-Coal-Vocation marketing be faced with some problems , such as marketing management concept lag , marketing tools single , information exchange not smooth , thereof urge the Pit-Coal-Corporation undertake from buy " product " turning to buy " service " .
A single , catastrophic nuclear exchange .
Every single company on the exchange has been affected , not just the super-popular ones .
Article 33 the exchange rate for Renminbi is a single , managed floating exchange rate based on market demand and supply .
In 1994 , RMB exchange rate regime was changed into market-based , single , managed floating exchange rate .
The practice of market-based , single and managed floating exchange rate system Substantial growth in the number of foreign reserves followed .
It was decided at that time that we would adopt a market-based , single , regulated floating exchange rate regime .
The third from 1994 to present , realization of single , managed floating exchange rate system whose base is market supply and demand . ⅱ .