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  1. This allows its new owner , SimilarWeb , to connect an individual with all of their online activity .


  2. In total , Google News in Spain receives about 3.5 million visitors a month , making it the 226th most-visited site in the country , according to SimilarWeb , a digital measurement company .


  3. The website , which promotes extremist views in sections such as " Jihad Zone , " attracts about 600000 visits a month , according to SimilarWeb , an internet data provider .


  4. The Spanish newspaper El Mundo , for example , receives just 1.3 percent of its monthly traffic from Google News , compared with 34 percent from search engine queries , according to SimilarWeb .


  5. This means that not only does SimilarWeb own a copy of any user 's complete browsing histories , they also own enough other data to theoretically tie these histories to email addresses and real-world identities .


  6. The finding was made by Robert Theaton , a software engineer from San Francisco , who discovered the software , dubbed Stylish , had been recording browser history since January 2017 , when it was bought by new owners SimilarWeb .
