Why did summer Shandy do so well this year ?
Two shandies , please .
I 'm not quite interested in Balzac , say , or " Tristram Shandy . "
A Critical View of the First English Experimental Novel Tristram Shandy
Occurrence and Control of Soil Pests on Peanut in Shandy Soil Region UNDERGROUND
Shandy Gaff is made with equal parts of beer and ginger ale .
Through the above analysis this paper brings to the conclusion that Tristram Shandy is a novel ahead of its time in 18th century .
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne expresses two religious themes : forbearance and charity .
For the same reason you 'd choose a Martini - shaken , not stirred - over a shandy .
Laurence Sterne innovates the form of novel and the use of language in this experimental novel , so Tristram Shandy is a novel of novel .
She drank a sip of shandy . " naturally , Huabei is rather like you , but I 've been wanting to ask your opinion on the subject . "
In shandy soil region of Dali County , Shaanxi Province , soil pests are dominant in peanut fields , while grub is one of the key pests which result in output reduction of peanut .
The Analysis of the Experimental Characteristics in " the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy , Gentleman "; All is not gain that is got into the purse . & Laurence Sterne
To some extent , The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy , Gentleman is not a complete utopian work , for it lacks the traveling forms of the traditional ones and lacks of the political construction and social description of ideal country .
It was found that the rodent 's density and the positive rate of HFRS virus antigens in shoaly land with lower terrain and silt loam were all higher than those in hillock land with higher tertian and shandy loam .
Laurence Sterne has always been considered the least rule-bound of the British eighteenth-century novelists , and his Tristram Shandy is generally cited as the most eccentric production within the already varied collection of narrative types of eighteenth-century fiction .