sexual maturity

美 [ˈsekʃuəl məˈtʃʊrəti]英 [ˈsekʃuəl məˈtʃʊərəti]
  • 网络性成熟;性成熟期;性的成熟;性成熟度;生育期
sexual maturitysexual maturity
  1. Analysis of 316 abnormal endometrial bleeding of women in sexual maturity examined by hysteroscopy


  2. These pairs'growth rate was slower and reached their sexual maturity slowly .


  3. The paper also reports some data about sexual maturity , reproduction rate , etc.


  4. Sexual maturity was reached in 3.91 days .


  5. They attained to sexual maturity at about 2 months after birth .


  6. Long photoperiod stimulus may be accelerate the sexual maturity of chicks .


  7. Studies on age of sexual maturity of Jiaxing black boars


  8. The academia calls the period from sexual maturity to getting married " sex waiting time " .


  9. Polyploidy plants have many features , such as : strong resistance , great organ and sexual maturity .


  10. Effects of endurance training on angiotensin ⅱ receptors in rat kidney before and after sexual maturity


  11. The result showed that growth , development and sexual maturity were promoted with very small amount of germanium in the body .


  12. The Ultrasonic Images of Normal Healthy Virgin Breast during Sexual Maturity & The second part of ultrasound serial study of breast


  13. Effects of cold stress and vitamin C on growth performance and sexual maturity of laying ducks of growing period in cage


  14. The ahead trend of the age of student 's sexual maturity is still accelerating , especially in the rural girl student .


  15. Short photoperiod inhibited sexual maturity , and the highest rate of egg production was only 19.4 % at 152 days .


  16. This experience of life is often prone to a misunderstanding ; it seems that love is a natural human sexual maturity and inevitable product .


  17. Offspring of the mosquitoes die before reaching sexual maturity in the absence of the antibiotic tetracycline .


  18. The observation on the sexual maturity individuals showed that the normal ones were synchronous hermaphroditism and no dioecism .


  19. Exclusionary Damage and Intiative Adjustable Protection and Self-balance Steady Reaction of Human and Animal before Sexual Maturity Caused by High Concentration Aluminium


  20. Results The percent of understanding individual sexual maturity was 44.3 , and over 65 percent students could accept the fact of secondary sex characteristic in their body .


  21. Male development of M. albus can also be divided into six periods (ⅰ→ⅳ) . The development of males sexual maturity is multiple-cycle .


  22. Ross : She says Marcel 's humping thing 's not a phase . Apparently he 's reached sexual maturity .


  23. Results show that A ⅱ R in kidney increase with the sexual maturity and Down Regulation of A ⅱ R is revealed after the endurance training .


  24. The Prothallus reached sexual maturity in 25 - 33 days . In p. cretica .


  25. Early-age neutering refers to castration or ovariohysterectomy before sexual maturity .


  26. So a man who has made it to sexual maturity despite his high testosterone levels probably has a particularly good immune system , which he can pass on to his children .


  27. The oocytes removed from mice before sexual maturity could also be activated , but the activation rate was lower than that of oocytes removed from sexual mature mice .


  28. Objective : To study the clinical manifestation and CT findings of woman ′ s pelvic pseudocyst in sexual maturity correlated to surgical findings and to explore its causes .


  29. The results showed that the sexual maturity of KM mouse was earlier than that of NIH and ICR , and ICR was the latest .


  30. The brood fish of Piaractus brachypomus could reach sexual maturity earlier than usual by means of warm water over-wintering and intensive cultivation .
