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美 [sets]英 [sets]
  • n.一套,一副,一组(类似的东西);一组(配套使用的东西);阶层;团伙;一伙(或一帮、一群)人
  • v.使开始;使处于;放;置;以…为…设置背景;把故事情节安排在;使处于某种状况
  • set的第三人称单数和复数




  • 1
    N-COUNT 一套;一组;一系列
    A set of things is a number of things that belong together or that are thought of as a group.

    There must be one set of laws for the whole of the country...


  • 2
    N-COUNT (网球比赛中的)盘
    In tennis, a set is one of the groups of six or more games that form part of a match.

    Graf was leading 5-1 in the first set.

    格拉芙第一盘以 5 比 1 领先。

  • 3
    N-COUNT (数学中的)集,集合
    In mathematics, a set is a group of mathematical quantities that have some characteristic in common.

  • 4
    N-COUNT (一场音乐会中所演唱或演奏的)一组歌曲(或乐曲)
    A band's or musician's set is the group of songs or tunes that they perform at a concert.

    The band continued with their set after a short break...


  • 5
    N-SING (经常碰面或趣味相同的)一伙(或一帮、一群)人
    You can refer to a group of people as a set if they meet together socially or have the same interests and lifestyle.

    He belonged to what the press called 'The Chelsea Set'.


  • 6
    N-COUNT (话剧的)布景;(电影的)摄影棚,拍片现场
    The set for a play, film, or television show is the furniture and scenery that is on the stage when the play is being performed or in the studio where filming takes place.

    From the first moment he got on the set, he wanted to be a director too...


  • 7
    N-SING (尤指坚定的)神情,姿态,姿势
    The set of someone's face or part of their body is the way that it is fixed in a particular expression or position, especially one that shows determination.

    Matt looked at Hugh and saw the stubbornness in the set of his shoulders...


  • 8
    N-COUNT (电视机等)家用电器
    A set is an appliance. For example, a television set is a television.

    Children spend so much time in front of the television set...



  • 2
    VERB (尤指小心翼翼地)放,置
    If you set something somewhere, you put it there, especially in a careful or deliberate way.

    He took the case out of her hand and set it on the floor...


  • 3
    ADJ 位于…的;坐落在…的
    If something is set in a particular place or position, it is in that place or position.

    The castle is set in 25 acres of beautiful grounds...

    这座城堡坐落于一片方圆 25 英亩、风景秀丽的土地上。

  • 4
    ADJ 镶于…上的;嵌在…上的
    If something is set into a surface, it is fixed there and does not stick out.

    The man unlocked a gate set in a high wall and let me through...


  • 5
    VERB 使处于(某种状态或情况)
    You can use set to say that a person or thing causes another person or thing to be in a particular condition or situation. For example, to set someone free means to cause them to be free, and to set something going means to cause it to start working.

    Set the kitchen timer going...


  • 6
    VERB 设置,调整好,调准(钟表等)
    When you set a clock or control, you adjust it to a particular point or level.

    Set the volume as high as possible...


  • 7
    VERB 决定,确定(日期、价格、目标或水准)
    If you set a date, price, goal, or level, you decide what it will be.

    The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow...


  • 8
    VERB 估定(价值);认为有(…价值)
    If you set a certain value on something, you think it has that value.

    She sets a high value on autonomy...


  • 9
    VERB 树立(榜样);创造(纪录);开创(先例)
    If you set something such as a record, an example, or a precedent, you do something that people will want to copy or try to achieve.

    Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement...


  • 10
    VERB 分配;布置;指派
    If someone sets you a task or aim or if you set yourself a task or aim, you need to succeed in doing it.

    I have to plan my academic work very rigidly and set myself clear objectives...


  • 11
    VERB 出(试题、试卷)
    To set an examination or a question paper means to decide what questions will be asked in it.

    He broke with the tradition of setting examinations in Latin.


  • 13
    ADJ 安排好的;确定的;固定的
    You use set to describe something which is fixed and cannot be changed.

    Investors can apply for a package of shares at a set price...


  • 14
    ADJ (学习书目)指定的
    A set book must be studied by students taking a particular course.

    One of the set books is Jane Austen's Emma.


  • 16
    ADJ (戏剧、电影、小说等)以(某时或某地)为背景的
    If a play, film, or story is set in a particular place or period of time, the events in it take place in that place or period.

    The play is set in a small Midwestern town.


  • 17
    ADJ 做好准备的;可能的
    If you are set to do something, you are ready to do it or are likely to do it. If something is set to happen, it is about to happen or likely to happen.

    Roberto Baggio was set to become one of the greatest players of all time...


  • 18
    ADJ 下定决心的;坚决的
    If you are set on something, you are strongly determined to do or have it. If you are set against something, you are strongly determined not to do or have it.

    She was set on going to an all-girls school...


  • 19
    VERB 使表现出,显出(坚定的表情)
    If you set your face or jaw, you put on a fixed expression of determination.

    Instead, she set her jaw grimly and waited in silence...


  • 20
    VERB 凝固;凝结;变硬
    When something such as jelly, melted plastic, or cement sets, it becomes firm or hard.

    You can add ingredients to these desserts as they begin to set...


  • 21
    VERB (太阳)落山,落下
    When the sun sets, it goes below the horizon.

    They watched the sun set behind the distant dales.


  • 22
    VERB 设置,安排,设计(陷阱)
    To set a trap means to prepare it to catch someone or something.

    He seemed to think I was setting some sort of trap for him...


  • 23
    VERB 在(桌)上摆放餐具
    When someone sets the table, they prepare it for a meal by putting plates and cutlery on it.

  • 24
    VERB 为…谱(曲);为…配(乐)
    If someone sets a poem or a piece of writing to music, they write music for the words to be sung to.

    He has attracted much interest by setting ancient religious texts to music.


  • 25
    See also:setting;set-to

  • 26
    PHRASE 为…做准备;为…铺平了道路
    If someone sets the scene or sets the stage for an event to take place, they make preparations so that it can take place.

    The Democrat convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn...


  • 27
    PHRASE 守旧的;一成不变的;固执的
    If you say that someone is set in their ways, you are being critical of the fact that they have fixed habits and ideas which they will not easily change, even though they may be old-fashioned.

  • 28
    to set eyes on something→ see:eye

  • The British government announced the setting up of a special fund.


  • 30
    PHRASAL VERB 建起;设立;设置
    If you set up a temporary structure, you place it or build it somewhere.

    They took to the streets, setting up roadblocks of burning tyres...


  • 31
    PHRASAL VERB 安装,装配,调试(设备或机器)
    If you set up a device or piece of machinery, you do the things that are necessary for it to be able to start working.

    Setting up the camera can be tricky...


  • 32
    PHRASAL VERB 立业;开业;创业
    If you set up somewhere or set yourself up somewhere, you establish yourself in a new business or new area.

    The mayor's scheme offers incentives to firms setting up in lower Manhattan...


  • 33
    PHRASAL VERB 安(家);开(店)
    If you set up home or set up shop, you buy a house or business of your own and start living or working there.

    They married, and set up home in Ramsgate.


  • 34
    PHRASAL VERB 引起;引发;产生
    If something sets up something such as a process, it creates it or causes it to begin.

    The secondary current sets up a magnetic field inside the tube...


  • 35
    PHRASAL VERB 使更健康;使更有活力;使状态更好
    If something sets you up for something, it puts you in a good condition or position to deal with it, for example by making you feel healthy and energetic.

    I have my cornflakes and smell the fresh air and the grass and it sets me up for the day...


  • 36
    PHRASAL VERB 诬陷;陷害;冤枉
    If you are set up by someone, they make it seem that you have done something wrong when you have not.

    He claimed he had been set up after drugs were discovered at his home...


  • 37
    See also:set-up

  1. And it doesn 't match any of the sets .


  2. High-level languages are relatively sophisticated sets of statements utilizing words and syntax from human language .


  3. We have to set a time limit for the work .


  4. Our first task is to set up a communications system .


  5. I only need one more card to complete the set .


  6. Our first task will be to set up a communications system .


  7. I 've set a place for you at the table .


  8. As people get older , they get set in their ways .


  9. Conditions were set fair for stable economic development .


  10. When they set out they were well prepared .


  11. I hope I never set eyes on this place again !


  12. It was the first time I had set foot on American soil .


  13. What books have been set for the English course ?


  14. She 's dead set on getting this new job .


  15. This system sets the pattern for others to follow .


  16. You seem to have set a new trend .


  17. A working party has been set up to look into the problem .


  18. The two sets of figures are not significantly different .


  19. It set off a chain reaction in the international money markets .


  20. Who sets the standard for water quality ?


  21. They set high standards of customer service .


  22. The scheme has been set up to help homeless people .


  23. The school funds a set number of free places .


  24. We need to set about finding a solution .


  25. He sets an example to the other students .


  26. This could set a new fashion .


  27. She 's set a difficult task for herself .


  28. It was the first time I had set foot on African soil .


  29. It was her second break in the set .


  30. The young have a completely different set of values and expectations .
