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  1. Enlightenment from Development History of Seto Inland Sea in Japan on Coastal Land Development in Liaoning Province


  2. The island of Itsukushima , in the Seto inland sea , has been a holy place of Shintoism since the earliest times .


  3. But as a woman , as a member of the community , the Seto people never really accepted her .


  4. Company spokesman Osami Seto said : " The two areas we identified as really needing improvement were the skin and the eyes . "


  5. For the future development of Chinese animation , Seto Shu husband that foster public interest in the animation to animation than the professional education is more important .


  6. Seto Mulyadi , chairman of the commission , told Diana that she needed to find other things to occupy the boy 's time .


  7. Using Seto model , we calculate the grain-boundary barrier of Er doped CdTe films and analyze the varing dose influence on the grain-boundary resistance .


  8. In the article , the environmental issues relating to the Bohai Sea of China and Seto Island Sea of Japan are introduced as the background for environmental management legislation of the two seas .


  9. In the men 's 400individual medley , the Japanese swimmers Kosuke Hagino and Daiya Seto couldfinish 1-2 .


  10. The day after the survey was published , I spent a boisterous hour with Dr. Wing-hong Seto , former chairman of the Scientific Committee on infection control at the centre for health protection , Department of health , Hong Kong .
