- n.萼片

The expression level in the anther , sepal and stem were relatively low .
Stage 4 - Sepal formation ;
Disease is mainly ventricular sepal defect .
Sepal One of the structures situated immediately below the petals of a flower .
The EF and LVEF of those areas were significantly increased after sport except sepal ( P < 0.05 ) .
A long-spurred orchid with base leaves and petals converging under the upper sepal .
Entire Describing the margin of a leaf , sepal , or petal that is smooth and undivided .
MAGPI one-stage repair of hypospadias with scrotal sepal vascular pedicle skin tube ( Report of 24 cases )
Having a ridge or shaped like a ridge or the keel of a ship : a carinate sepal .
B.picturatum is characterized by its entire dorsal sepal with a seta and lip with two auricles at base .
The duration of bract primordium phase , sepal primordium phase and petal primordium phase were longer than it in Heze .
After formation of flower primordium . meristem is differentiated to sepal , petal , stamen and pistil .
The structure of flower contains receptacle , sepal , corolla , stamens and pistil . Pollination mainly relies on insects to complete .
Flower bud differentiation of the various parts included the sepal primordia , stamen primordium , pistil primordium and petal primordium .
In Nymphaea , 4 sepal primordia initiated from abaxial to adaxial side of the floral apex .
It has stamens and pistil with similar to dicotyledon , but no obvious sepal and petal in monocotyledon .
SQUA / AP1 functions not only as a floral meristem identity gene , but as a floral organ identity gene specifying the development of sepal and petal .
The phase of carpel differentiation and pistil differentiation were were relatively short , only about 3-5 days , and the phase from inflorescence primordium differentiation to sepal differentiation is relatively long .
The author suggests that directive factors of vicissitude are the petalody of sepal , stamen , pistil and increase of crinkle or longitudinal dehiscence of petals .
The whole process of flower bud differentiation might be divided into five stages , including pre-differentiation , Inflorescence differentiation , Sepal differentiation , Petal differentiation and Stamens and pistils differentiation stage . 2 .
With the continued differentiation of the flower bud , polysaccharide and protein occurred abundantly in sepal primordium differentiation phase , and they decreased as a visible grads in petal primordium differentiation phase .
The process of differentiation of flower-bud could be divided into five stages : the transformation of nutritive growth cone , the occurrence and development of sepal , formation of petal primordium , formation of pistil and stamen .
When the length of petal is 0 ~ 2mm longer or shorter than the base of the sepal split , most microspores were at uninucleate stage . It 's suitable for isolated microspore culture of eggplant .
After the forming of flower bud primordium of tea plant , the contineous differentiation of flower buds can be divided into 3 stages , sepal forming stage , petal forming stage , as well as stamen and pistil forming stage .
Of them one time was occurred in differentiation of sepal primordium , and it might be the reason of forming the simple layer of sepal . An larges of each floral primordium originated in peripheral zone cells of floral meristem .
Five stages could be recognized in the differentiation procedure of flower organs in the cauliflower plants , they were the differentiation of flower primordia , sepal formation , stamen and pistil formation , petal for - mation , and anther and ovule formation .
The corolla size , amount of petal and sepal , furcation part of pistil exists diversity between different varieties , in addition to corolla size , the other characters puted up identical with the same variety in different locations , the heredity of variety more stable .
Most flower buds were found in the sepal primordial differentiation stage in August . The petal primordial differentiation started at the beginning of September , can be extended to mid-September after the petal primordial differentiation stage , the process accelerate , and soon translate to the next period .