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  • 网络地震;战略性新兴产业;国家经济信息系统;共享环境信息系统;自我效能感综合量表
  1. Apparent velocity and polarization are important characters of seis - mic wave .


  2. There were also some seis - mic activities on the eastern part of the Eurasian belt and strong earthquakes also occurred in the east of Baikal Lake region .


  3. Qualitative Analysis of a Dynamic SEIS Epidemic Model with Quarantine Items


  4. Dynamic Behavior of the SEIS Model with the Saturating Contact Rate


  5. Global asymptotic stability of an SEIS epidemic model with constant input


  6. SEIS + + : A Pattern Language for Seismic Tools Construction and Integration


  7. Qualitative analysis of a kind of SEIS model with general saturating contact rate


  8. Analysis of Global Dynamic in an Epidemical SEIS Model


  9. The Dynamics of SEIS Epidemic Model with Diffusion Terms


  10. Dynamics of Non-autonomous SEIS Epidemic Model with Bilinear Incidence Rate


  11. Properties of positive sets and negative SEIS about signed measure and Hahn decomposition


  12. A kind of combined epidemic models of SEIR and SEIS with varying total population size


  13. Design and application of acquisition layout of regional seis - mic profile in Nanxiang basin


  14. A class of the combination of SEIR and SEIS epidemic model with constant recruitment


  15. It is an important and essential point in the field of earthquake engineering to assess seis - mic damage of building structures .


  16. Compared to the other software of the same kind both domestic and overseas , the SEIS system has such major features as information integration , data regional and practical characteristics .


  17. In neritic area , the variable period reverberation caused by seabed terrain fluctuation is the main disturbance factor to the seis - mic data quality .


  18. The carbonate reservoir is making up of pore , cranny and cave . The heterogeneity is strong . The quality of seis - mic data is not good .


  19. In this paper , a kind of SEIS model with general saturated contact rate is studied and the threshold , a basic reproductive number which determines the outcome of the infectious disease is found .


  20. ORFEUS is an acronym for Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seis - mology , and is a joint program of 25 units from 13 European countries .


  21. This paper establishes an SEIS epidemic model that incorporates quarantine items and a varying total population size , obtains the asymptotical stability point and bifurcation , and discusses Hopf bifurcation and limit cycle .


  22. This paper presents approaches and principles for building Soil Erosion Information System ( SEIS ) in loess regions , discusses the method to extract soil erosion factors automatically using computer and the approaches to build prediction model of soil erosion .


  23. According to the monitoring ability of Shanghai Telemetered Seis - mic Network in 1987 , we calculated its location accuracy with statistical model , the result shows that the horizontal errors of the epicenter is about two kilometers .


  24. Starting from frequency-domain 3-D acoustic wave equa - tion , this paper presented a 2.5-D crosswell waveform inver - sion method by accounting for the uniqueness of crosswell seis - mic .


  25. Based on the principle of sequence stratigraphy , through analyzing the features of high resolution seis - mic data , a seismic sequence model is proposed to substitute the seismic convolution model , so as to evaluate the reliability of seismic resolution .


  26. This paper aimed to study a kind of SEIS epidemic model with latent period and Nonlinear infection rate β S ~ qI ~ p. Conditions and threshold to the existence of various equilibriums were established and stability of the equilibriums were discussed .


  27. The spectrum of seis - mic wave reflects the filter and absorption effect on the earth . By use of the spectrum of main target layer data , the energy attenuation curve and compensation curve with frequency can be determined , which is the base of nonlinear scanning design .
