
美 [siːz]英 [siːz]
  • v.看;看见;见到;看出;观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等);看得见;有视力
  • abbr.扩展企业应用套件(Sage Extended Enterprise Suite)
  • see的第三人称单数



  • 1
    VERB 看见;看到
    When you see something, you notice it using your eyes.

    You can't see colours at night...


  • 2
    see表示因眼睛获得视觉图像而感觉到某物的存在,常与 can 连用,例如,I can see the fax here on the desk (我能看见放在桌子上的那份传真)。如果想表示某人正在注意看眼睛所看见的某件东西,则用 look at 或 watch。一般而言,look at 用于表示看静止的物体,watch 用于表示看移动或变化的物体:I asked him to look at the picture above his bed (我让他看他床头上方的那幅画), He watched Blake run down the stairs (他看着布莱克跑下楼梯)。

  • 3
    VERB 与…见面;看望;会见
    If you see someone, you visit them or meet them.

    I saw him yesterday...


  • 4
    VERB 观看,看(娱乐节目等)
    If you see an entertainment such as a play, film, concert, or sports game, you watch it.

    He had been to see a Semi-Final of the FA Cup...


  • 5
    VERB 看出;意识到
    If you see that something is true or exists, you realize by observing it that it is true or exists.

    I could see she was lonely.


  • 6
    VERB 明白;领会;理解
    If you see what someone means or see why something happened, you understand what they mean or understand why it happened.

    Oh, I see what you're saying...


  • 7
    VERB 认为;把…看作
    If you see someone or something as a certain thing, you have the opinion that they are that thing.

    She saw him as a visionary, but her father saw him as a man who couldn't make a living...


  • 8
    VERB 看出;看上,欣赏(某种特质)
    If you see a particular quality in someone, you believe they have that quality. If you ask what someone sees in a particular person or thing, you want to know what they find attractive about that person or thing.

    Frankly, I don't know what Paul sees in her...


  • 9
    VERB 想象;预测
    If you see something happening in the future, you imagine it, or predict that it will happen.

    A good idea, but can you see Taylor trying it?...


  • 10
    VERB 目睹;经历;见证
    If a period of time or a person sees a particular change or event, it takes place during that period of time or while that person is alive.

    Yesterday saw the resignation of the acting Interior Minister...


  • 11
    VERB 察看;弄清;了解
    You can use see in expressions to do with finding out information. For example, if you say 'I'll see what's happening', you mean that you intend to find out what is happening.

    Let me just see what the next song is...


  • 12
    VERB 想办法,尽力(帮忙)
    You can use see to promise to try and help someone. For example, if you say 'I'll see if I can do it', you mean that you will try to do the thing concerned.

    I'll see if I can call her for you...


  • 13
    VERB 确保;保证
    If you see that something is done or if you see to it that it is done, you make sure that it is done.

    See that you take care of him...


  • 14
    VERB 护送;陪伴
    If you see someone to a particular place, you accompany them to make sure that they get there safely, or to show politeness.

    He didn't offer to see her to her car...


  • 15
    VERB 遇到;拜访
    If you see a lot of someone, you often meet each other or visit each other.

    We used to see quite a lot of his wife, Carolyn...


  • 16
    VERB 与…交往;与…谈恋爱
    If you are seeing someone, you spend time with them socially, and are having a romantic or sexual relationship.

    My husband was still seeing her and he was having an affair with her.


  • 17
    VERB (我们)知道,了解
    Some writers use see in expressions such as we saw and as we have seen to refer to something that has already been explained or described.

    We saw in Chapter 16 how annual cash budgets are produced...

    在第 16 章我们了解了年度现金预算是怎样制订的。

  • 18
    VERB (书中)见,参见
    See is used in books to indicate to readers that they should look at another part of the book, or at another book, because more information is given there.

    Surveys consistently find that men report feeling safe on the street after dark. See, for example, Hindelang and Garofalo (1978)...


  • 19
    PHRASE 既然;因为;鉴于
    You can use seeing that or seeing as to introduce a reason for what you are saying.

    He is in the marriage bureau business, which is mildly ironic seeing that his dearest wish is to get married himself...


  • 20
    CONVENTION 我明白;原来如此
    You can say 'I see' to indicate that you understand what someone is telling you.

    'He came home in my car.' — 'I see.'


  • 21
    CONVENTION (表示暂不作决定)看看吧,再说吧
    People say 'I'll see' or 'We'll see' to indicate that they do not intend to make a decision immediately, and will decide later.

    We'll see. It's a possibility.


  • 22
    CONVENTION (表示试图记起某事或找到某物)让我想一想,让我看看
    People say 'let me see' or 'let's see' when they are trying to remember something, or are trying to find something.

    Let's see, they're six — no, make that five hours ahead of us...

    让我想一想,他们比我们早 6 个——不,就算是早 5 个小时完成。

  • 23
    PHRASE 意识到错误;明白事理
    If you try to make someone see sense or see reason, you try to make them realize that they are wrong or are being stupid.

    He was hopeful that by sitting together they could both see sense and live as good neighbours...


  • 24
    CONVENTION (用于向某人解释某事物并鼓励其倾听和理解)你瞧,你知道,看吧
    You can say 'you see' when you are explaining something to someone, to encourage them to listen and understand.

    Well, you see, you shouldn't really feel that way about it...


  • 25
    CONVENTION 再见;回头见;呆会儿见
    'See you', 'be seeing you', and 'see you later' are ways of saying goodbye to someone when you expect to meet them again soon.

    'Talk to you later.' — 'All right. See you love.'

    “ 回头再跟你谈。”——“好的。再见,亲爱的。”

  • 26
    CONVENTION 到时候你就知道了;你等着瞧吧
    You can say 'You'll see' to someone if they do not agree with you about what you think will happen in the future, and you believe that you will be proved right.

    The thrill wears off after a few years of marriage. You'll see.


  • 27
    to see the back of someone→ see:back

  1. But supposing he sees us ?


  2. Tom will really light up when he sees his new bike .


  3. We 'll have a great time , you 'll see .


  4. She had come to see the problem in a new light .


  5. I can probably make the time to see them .


  6. I don 't see the point of doing it all again .


  7. I 'll see you at one .


  8. We 'd like to see it for ourselves .


  9. What is it you want to see me about ?


  10. You used to see a lot of her , didn 't you ?


  11. I 'll see what I can do to help .


  12. Why can 't you ever see my point of view ?


  13. It 's good to see you again .


  14. Bring it into the light so I can see it .


  15. There is one particular patient I 'd like you to see .


  16. I don 't care if I never see him again !


  17. You came all this way to see us ?


  18. I went to see if my old school was still there .


  19. Why don 't we go and see it together ?


  20. Can 't you see he 's taking advantage of you ?


  21. It 's great to see you again .


  22. We see each other every now and again .


  23. Lack of money is the main problem , as I see it .


  24. I can 't see you now ─ some other time , maybe .


  25. He was out when I called to see him .


  26. Come on ! Quick ! They 'll see us !


  27. We need more time to see how things develop before we take action .


  28. She could see clear down the highway into the town .


  29. It was dark outside and I couldn 't see much .


  30. Her friends from work came to see her in the hospital .
