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  • 网络超临界水;安全配置向导;瑟克特夫卡尔;资深文案;高级文案
  1. Degradation of plastic and rubber in SCW is feasible on technique .


  2. The properties of SCW and its solution , the characteristic of SCW were introduced in detail .


  3. Development and Application of New Tissue Paper Softener SCW and SCS


  4. A number of research works on conversion and reforming of fossil fuel with supercritical water ( SCW ) were reviewed .


  5. Compares the pumping and recharging well ( PRW ) with the standing column well ( SCW ) .


  6. Based on the research trends in international field , status of catalysis gasification hydrogen production method using supercritical water ( SCW ) reaction were summarily reviewed .


  7. The homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyzed oxidation of organic pollutants in SCW were studied under the different pH and with activated carbon as catalyst .


  8. The experimental results showed that naphthol is easily oxidized in SCW and its main aromatic residues are o phthalic acid and benzoic acid .


  9. Gases and many organic compounds are miscible in SCW , so reaction between oxygen or other oxidant and waste is carried out without interface transport constraints .


  10. There is a local property of SCW in Anning valley which XSLS lies at that it was developed from north to south .


  11. Therefore , it is a vital significance for us to clone the genes related to SCW synthesis and study its molecular mechanism to improve the yield and quality of cotton fibers .


  12. Among the most widely used models of RA are the streptococcal cell wall ( SCW ) arthritis model and the collagen-induced arthritis ( CIA ) .


  13. Cotton fiber cell wall is usually divided into two categories : the primary cell wall ( PCW ) and the secondary cell wall ( SCW ) during cotton fiber development .


  14. Secondly , the energy conversion and exergy flow analysis of biomass gasification process in SCW is conducted , based on actual methanol combining complete gasification process with pressure swing adsorption process .


  15. A series of complex regulations in PCW stage finally affect fiber cell intensity and length . Cellulose synthesis and SCW deposition in later phase determine cotton fiber yield and quality at last .


  16. The unique physical-chemical properties of water above its critical point ( 374.2 ° C and 22.1 MPa ) makes supercritical water ( SCW ) an effective reaction medium for oxidation of organic pollutants .


  17. The models of groundwater flow and heat transfer for non-backfill PRW , gravel-backfill PRW and SCW were established , respectively . The methods of numerical solution were provided .


  18. In this system , cold gas efficiency and thermal efficiency are 54.1 % and 74 . 7 % , respectively . This process might also be an economically viable option in conversion of coal to hydrogen in SCW .


  19. As coal was transported homogeneously at high pressure by adding the sodium carboxymethylcellulose ( CMC ), the hydrogen production from catalytic gasification of coal / CMC in supercritical water ( SCW ) was investigated .


  20. It was shown that the conversion and reforming of fossil fuel such as coals , oil shales and heavy oils with SCW would lead to a simple , environmental friendly and promising method of obtaining clear synthetic liquid fuel from these resources .
