He examined the large watch which ornamented his scraggy wrist .
And get our scraggy bottoms out of here .
I shambled about the field on scraggy legs , squalled for passes that never came my way .
Looking over them was a wrinkled , scraggy hag .
You know what I 'm talking about - those unclean , unkempt , scraggy , scratchy and utterly ugly big beards that so many men seem to be sporting nowadays 。
Most pathetic were their hairless neck , so long , bent and clumsy , caning out like scraggy , disconcerted dragons . The top of the hill was bare .
They gobbled salads and tore at scraggy chicken , played cards raucously together and pampered each other 's children , until the afternoon lunch-break lulled them into sleep .
The US Air Force had begun its temporary stay on British soil , and Americans were overtaking plucky British losers in the Empire Stadium , where a scraggy , rationed Britain was hosting the Olympic Games .
The new kind of CSD diamond abrasive with the crumb structure which consists of many fine crystals has the character of coarsen and scraggy surfaces , it can avoid that single cystals early fall off because of the fast - ness in the bonder ;