scanning line

美 [ˈskænɪŋ laɪn]英 [ˈskænɪŋ laɪn]
  • 网络扫描线;扫描行;扫瞄线
scanning linescanning line
  1. Using scanning line method , calculates the field value of image element on dam section and relative color value , draws out the color contour which colors change continually .


  2. There is no echo signal , but brightness , scanning line are still exists .


  3. There is sometimes no scanning line on radar screen .


  4. The study of electric circuit of double frequency / scanning line by line in DPTV


  5. Temperature Field of Laser Scanning Line Facula


  6. Gray level linearly changes in vertical scanning line and keeps stable in horizontal scanning line .


  7. The main feature is to use the horizontal scanning line created by the inner yoke as basic standard .


  8. And scanning line algorithm is used for the first time in displaying the plane and space isogram and nephogram .


  9. The attenuations originated from the scanning line are considered in a successive approximation process ( SAP ) .


  10. The seed fill algorithm of scanning line is improved to a certain extent , thereby it in-creases the fill speed .


  11. The rings on every layer were meshed by the horizontal scanning line algorithm to make some even connective rectangular meshes .


  12. The scanning line reverses , pauses , skips .


  13. In addition , for the digitization of free surface object , the digitization strategy represents the powerful sampling capability of scanning line point cloud .


  14. Character Segmentation : Firstly , a gradient Number Plate checking method based on the changing frequency of the number of jumping dots on horizontal scanning line is proposed ;


  15. Conclusion By using CT study with the scanning line perpendicular to C C line , tentorial herniation due to epidural hematoma can be accurately diagnosed .


  16. In this paper , the relationship between needle tracking and pixel pots has been analyzed combine with scanning line filling , and design sketches have been given .


  17. Hence , in the testing of cotton fiber length , especially the testing of short fiber content , a narrow scanning line should be tak - en .


  18. Simulation result was verified by the temperature on the lower surface of the sheet metal , which was measured by the thermocouple temperature transducer measuring under the laser scanning line .


  19. Based on the Z - Buffer algorithm , scanning line algorithm , and depth prior algorithm , a new speedy hidden algorithm for network curved surface is suggested in this paper .


  20. Based on the natural characteristics of license plate , rough character segmentation is realized by scanning line by line , and precise scanning is accomplished by combining vertical projection with scanning back .


  21. To reduce the times of intersection and improve the sorting efficiency , the active-side list was established to make full use of the consistency of the side and the scanning line .


  22. Taking a working way of scanning line after line and the words drifting from down to top as an example , provided the flow chart and assemble language source program , made the detailed note as well .


  23. Regarding the scanning line section outline as an arc of circle and according to the principle of the adjacent scanning line overlap area equals to the groove area , the scanning line spacing is determined .


  24. We can use a seeded region-fill by scanning line to extract the intensity of the signal point . After removing background and date normalization , we can get the intensity information of the signal point .


  25. Study on improving image quality with transmission attenuation correction [ OBJECTIVE ] A ~ ( 153 ) Gd scanning line source transmission attenuation correction system ( TAC ) of SPECT was evaluated with phantoms and patients .


  26. As the image noise has a great impact on the accuracy of Scanning Line method , the paper propose a new method , which is called Parameters Dimension Reduction Hough Transform , to complete the task of tracking fringe radius .


  27. In order to generate rectangle field grids , Non-uniform B-Spline curve was constructed and interpolated on scanning line data points , then it was sampled uniformly . Therefore the accuracy of interpolated surface was guaranteed .


  28. In this paper mechanism model of the effect of the laser scanning line to material processed in the length-alterable line-scanning laser rapid prototyping system is built , and the match method of laser power with the length of scanning line is studied deeply .


  29. The simulation results suggest that , at the end of the scanning line , the dissymmetric temperature field and the great temperature gradient result in the balling phenomenon and great thermal stress , which could lead to the destruction of the sintering samples in this region .


  30. The rules for laser stripe matching is presented based on the epipolar constraint and continuity constraint . A new solving the point of curve and line matching method is proposed , then realized fast precise matching of laser stripe and 3D reconstruction of laser scanning line .
