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  1. The Savile row company has introduced three different grey shirts .


  2. Jimmy Savile was reported to have given away 90 per cent of his personal wealth .


  3. He was wearing a Savile Row suit .


  4. Our British customers used to tell me that if I wanted to learn the trade properly , I must go to Savile Row .


  5. However , what the public didn 't know was that Savile was using his influences as a celebrity for a much darker purpose .


  6. London police now say the number of possible cases being investigated in connection with the late Sir Jimmy Savile has risen to 300 .


  7. There is after all , something enduring about acts of kindness which Savile captured in his lifetime .


  8. Fancy a bespoke suit from Savile Row ?


  9. Savile Row excels at simple , understated style and enduring value , both of which I think are enormously relevant today .


  10. He comes hither from Savile row .


  11. Savile 's charitable lifestyle exemplified the idea that whatever we actually own in life , our deeds may speak louder and longer .


  12. Richard Anderson of the eponymous Savile row firm detects the influence of the economy on the silhouette of suits .


  13. In spite of such arguments , Mr Savile believes it will be some time before the public is persuaded of the benefits of corporate jets .


  14. In London , Savile Row tailor Richard James has noticed increased demand for silk over the past couple of years , particularly from bespoke customers .


  15. To add to his dark nature , the UK police have looked into claims that Savile abused young patients at a hospital he was a volunteer at .


  16. Alexander McQueen was apprenticed to Savile Row .


  17. And thus I found myself contacting ad hominem , a two-woman firm that purports to bring Savile row to your doorstep .


  18. Savile Row tailor Kilgour does sharp , off-the-peg suits with modern details - thin lapels , flapless pockets .


  19. Savile 's platinum blonde hair , chunky jewellery and ever-present Cuban cigar made him one of the most widely recognised television celebrities in Britain .


  20. Designed by Savile Row 's Hardy Amies , the Queen first wore this turquoise dress in 1965 when she became the first British head of state to visit Germany after World War II .


  21. The spirit of the late Sir Jimmy Savile was alive and well in the Savile Hall in Leeds two days ago when personal items were sold to benefit his favourite charities .


  22. The Savile case , in which the editor of the Newsnight programme apparently dropped the investigation without even watching the damning interview , is a haunting example of what can result .


  23. Savile Row is also softening to the smoking look . " We have at least one bespoke velvet jacket going through at the moment , " says Patrick Grant of Norton and Sons .


  24. The gents in Savile Row call such a style the band-leader model because its eye-catching feature was once popular with Tommy Dorsey and other big band leaders of the 1940s .


  25. Your suit doesnt have to be from Savile Row , but those late-night local-cable commercials promising you a suit , tie , shirt and maybe a date for $ 80 ?


  26. English tailoring has a long history in Japan , where one of the words for suit ," sebiro ," some say derives from Savile Row , a street in London known for its bespoke suitmakers .


  27. Roubi L'Roubi , creative director of Huntsman of Savile Row - once the tailor to King Edward VIII - has found that customers from Asia are visiting the London shop specifically to order tweed suits .


  28. Ready-to-wear staples include cashmere and silk-blend capes , silk-satin camisoles and loosely tailored trousers ( the label 's name alludes to the tailoring of Savile Row ) .


  29. Savile was able to get away with these crimes for years because he wore the disguise of a generous carer so well that none questioned his motives , and he successfully hid his dark side from the public until after he died


  30. Perhaps , says Patrick Grant , of Savile Row tailors Norton and Sons , this is why his City customers are turning to bow ties not as part of their on-duty outfits , but at the weekends .
