- v.闲逛;漫步;悠闲地走
- saunter的现在分词

A group of elegant young gentlemen were sauntering in the park .
So I go eat lunch ( roasted endive ) then saunter back to the school and smugly walk past all those Level One students ( who must be molto stupido , really ) and enter my first class . With my peers .
This part of the route should be an easy saunter .
We watched our fellow students saunter into the building
The word flaneur , a saunterer or " man about town " comes from the French fl â ner , " to saunter idly " , and first appeared in English around 1854 .
All afternoon he saunter up and down , look at the shop and the people
How about a saunter along the beach before breakfast ?
Sauntering along the Russian and Soviet Literature
Let me guess , you 've got a big backpack and you feel happy when saunter out ;
Sometimes in the summer my wife and I saunter there in the cool of the evening .
We saunter through tempo step by step .
put it on a disk , and then just saunter outside of Parliament , which they did ,
Locals and tourists saunter along with sho ing bags .
Scotland will renounce weapons of mass destruction and then saunter into the Nato nuclear alliance .
Take a deep calming breath and saunter slowly around the table , checking out what 's there before you take anything .
For the next couple of hours , like fl â neurs we leisurely saunter the broad boulevards .
In a place where most people saunter quietly , on this morning folks were dashing about with perplexed looks on their faces .
I love to saunter in the spring breeze on a narrow mountain path bedecked with strawberries growing graciously like delicate red lanterns .
It is not all bad news for buyers : Prices will still head north next year , but the pace will likely slow from a sprint to a saunter .
One who is poor at speech and shuns socializing will nevertheless feel like being surrounded by friends while sauntering freely in the midst of books .
We could watch the madman on clement days , sauntering and skipping among the trim gravel walks and pleasantly planted lawns .
Can 't you see that I 'm in a hurry , and I haven 't got time to saunter along and chatter about the buttercups ?
Drawn in a seemingly easy group with Paraguay , New Zealand and Slovakia , pundits tipped Italy to saunter into the knockout stages .
It 's surely no great cause of alarm that Heathcliff should take a moonlight saunter on the moors , or even lie too sulky to speak to us in the hay-loft .
And so Mesans will choose between Mr Lewis , an avuncular amateur with mostly local donors , and Mr Pearce , a sauntering state bigwig with far-flung donors and national fame .
After much prolonged sauntering , and many random inquiries , I learnt that there were three ships up for three-years ' voyages -- The Devil-Dam the Tit-bit , and the Pequod .
At one point during a ping-pong event , a cheer went up incongruously in the middle of a long volley . It turned out fans were applauding a slender fellow in a track suit who happened to be sauntering past the bleachers .
Saunter eastward under locust trees to closely observe streaks of sunlight filtering through their foliage , or quietly watch the trumpet-shaped blue flowers of morning glories climbing half way up a dilapidated wall , and an intense feeling of autumn will of itself well up inside you .
and Queequeg , taking a prodigiously hearty breakfast of chowders of all sorts , so that the landlady should not make much profit by reason of his Ramadan , we sallied out to board the Pequod , sauntering along , and picking our teeth with halibut bones .
I sallied out among the shipping . After much prolonged sauntering and many random inquiries , I learnt that there were three ships up for three-years ' voyages.The Devil-dam , the Tit-bit , and the Pequod . DEVIL-DAM , I do not know the origin of ; TIT-BIT is obvious ;