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  • n.禅洲(姓)
  1. A study by Satoshi Kanazawa indicates that it may be likely alcoholism is the sign of a genius at work .


  2. A study by the evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa this year has found a small but significant link between homosexuality and intelligence .


  3. Created by a developer using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto , bitcoin is an encrypted code exchanged between two people .


  4. But it 's believed that the real Satoshi Nakamoto holds bitcoins worth about $ 400 million .


  5. The currency first emerged some five years ago , when a mysterious computer expert called Satoshi Nakamoto created an online payment system using open-sourced software .


  6. Satoshi Takeda 's liaison to our company .


  7. Satoshi Kunii , head of Japan 's Fisheries Agency , says they are aware of plans by environmental groups to disrupt the hunt again this year .


  8. Satoshi It 's very attractive to the libertarian viewpoint if we can explain it properly . I 'm better with code than with words though .


  9. Craig Wrighthad promised to provide evidence to support his claim earlier this week to have created bitcoin in 2008 using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto .


  10. The military arrangement comes after a destroy order issued by Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto on Saturday , requiring Japanese forces to prepare for the satellite launch .


  11. Apple got three hundred orders at the show , and Jobs met a Japanese textile maker , Mizushima Satoshi , who became Apple 's first dealer in Japan .


  12. It has been widely believed that Satoshi Nakamoto was a fake name for a programmer , probably much younger , who wished to be anonymous .


  13. After the GDP figures were released , Economics Minister Satoshi Arai said that the government needed to work with the Bank of Japan to respond to the rising yen .


  14. Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics and Norman Li of Singapore Management University propose that the core social skills developed in our ancient past still hold sway over our happiness today .


  15. A Newsweek investigation in 2014 incorrectly identified the Bitcoin creator as Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto , a physicist living with his mother in Southern California .


  16. While lining up to hand in their passport applications , Ritsu realizes she forgot her ID so she sends her brother , Satoshi , to fetch it .


  17. This builds on previous work by Satoshi Kanazawa , an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics , who found that good-looking parents were far more likely to conceive daughters .


  18. ' It 's regrettable , 'said JAMA Chairman Satoshi Aoki . 'But we are facing a once-in-a-century , unprecedented crisis . '


  19. William Campbell , Satoshi Omura and Tu Youyou jointly won the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine for their work against parasitic diseases , the award-giving body said on Monday .


  20. Dr Satoshi Kanazawa , an evolutionary psychologist from the London School of Economics and Political Science , said the smarter a man is , the less likely he is to cheat on his partner .


  21. They will perform acrobatics , demonstrate the use of their trademark shuriken weapons and pose for photographs with tourists , said Satoshi Adachi of the prefectural government 's tourism promotion unit .


  22. Craig Steven Wright , an Australian entrepreneur and self-declared cyber security expert , has claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto , the pseudonymous creator of bitcoin .


  23. Currently , bitcoin is an unregulated , online-only , synthetic currency created in 2009 by a programmer known only by the nom de Guerre Satoshi Nakamoto .


  24. Lot Notes While Satoshi Kanai 's works have morphed into more pop and manga influenced portraits in recent years , the essence of his creativity and fascination with human figures has not changed .


  25. The study , which was conducted by Satoshi Kanazawa , a researcher at the London School of Economics , found that a woman 's urge to have children decreases by a quarter for every 15 extra IQ points .


  26. The29th expedition crew settled in to their new home for the next couple of months last week , with Mike Fossum commanding and being aided by Satoshi Furukawa and Sergei Volkov .


  27. Satoshi Kon is one of the new generation Japanese animation masters . Although his animation career is short-lived with rare art works , but he had played a significant role in the anime film field and had achieved great success .


  28. In2009 , Mary Poppendieck talked about the TPS ( Toyota Production System ) as the origin of Lean and ex-Toyota manager Satoshi Kuroiwa talked about Agile in the vocabulary of TPS .


  29. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and defense minister Satoshi Morimoto last week said on separate occasions that Japan could deploy its self-defense forces if maritime confrontations escalate beyond what could be handled by its coast guard .


  30. Yesterday , he appeared to stand by the Australian entrepreneur with a tweet that said : " There won 't be an on-chain signing from early bitcoin blocks , but there also won 't be another Satoshi . "
