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  1. " This is an effective set because it works endurance while maintaining sprinting capacity ," Salo says .


  2. Last year , The New York Times reported on Salo , a Minnesota-based financial consulting company that tried a similar experiment with some of its employees .


  3. " I start out working on pure speed but still need the endurance to hang on ," says Lezak , one of Salo 's pupils .


  4. In Salo , a Nokia smartphone facility northwest of Helsinki , Mr Ballmer was asked by one of 1200 staff : " Does this mean we all get Xboxes ? " He said they would .


  5. The second reason isn 't as obvious . According to Salo , " the outer silicone cap better maintains the shape and does not wrinkle as much , thereby causing less drag . " The inner cap is generally latex .


  6. And so far , the results have been positive both for employee health and for the company 's financial bottom line : During the six months that Salo took part in a Mayo Clinic treadmill desk study , the firm experienced record earnings .
