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  • 网络区域价值成分;皇家兽医学院;复发性念珠菌性阴道炎;网状玻璃态碳;氧钒核糖核苷复合物
  1. The test proves that the RVC satisfies the design requirement .


  2. Development of intelligent redundancy RVC of vehicles for Guangzhou metro line 1


  3. Objective To study the psychologic status and quality of marriage of patients with RVC .


  4. The thermal insulation properties of SiO2 / RVC is better than pure RVC , and high temperature insulation advantages become more pronounced .


  5. The intelligent redundancy RVC ( Reference Value Converter ) is developed to improve the operation reliability of the vehicles and is updated on the original RVC .


  6. Generally speaking , there are two typical kinds of ITS : Road-Vehicle Communication ( RVC ) and Inter-Vehicle Communication ( IVC ) .


  7. The dose-response curves for arginine vasopressin ( AVP ) and norepinephrine , and the response to captopril in RBF and RVC were compared between the estradiol - treated and control rats .


  8. Conclude that the density and compressive strength are dependent on the physical properties of carbon foam skeleton , the density and compression strength of SiO2 / RVC are a growing trend with the carbon foam substrate carbonization temperature rising .


  9. Reticulated vitreous carbon ( RVC ) is used as an adsorbent for cesium in this work . The influence of adsorption time and temperature on the distribution ratio of cesium between RVC and liquid sodium is investigated in the static condition by using neutron activation analysis ( NAA ) .
