
  • 网络摇滚明星;银赫;荒野大嫖客
  1. The Rockstar is said to be suffering from acute exhaustion .


  2. Most importantly , rockstar engineers believe in simplicity and common sense .


  3. Rockstar took ownership of most of the patents that the companies bought .


  4. Mr. Veschi said Rockstar 's lawsuit is legitimate under the settlement with the government .


  5. Nothing makes me feel more like a rockstar then some rocked out skull designs .


  6. It is that feeling of excitement and accomplishment that makes rockstar engineers love to code .


  7. Let us know what other traits you think a rockstar software engineer should have , in the comments below .


  8. A huge number of game manufacturers are currently looking for gamers including Sega and Rockstar Group .


  9. Rockstar programmers understand what they are doing far , far better than average or mediocre programmers .


  10. The patents at the heart of the Rockstar suits filed last week don 't pertain to standards .


  11. Rockstar Chief Executive John Veschi said the consortium , not the shareholder companies , made the decision to sue . '


  12. Tense Times : The former US President and his rockstar companion watch nervously as the USA goes a goal down


  13. Google bid as much as $ 4.4 billion for the patents , but Rockstar won with a $ 4.5 billion bid .


  14. He envisages the fiercely independent Rockstar fitting into the semi-autonomous studio system he has established at EA over the past year .


  15. Some of the games that have used Bullet include Rockstar 's Red Dead Redemption and Sony 's Free Realms ( MMORPG ) .


  16. And Rockstar entrepreneur Sean Parker flew the developers to Londonfor a party hoping to woo them as a future investor .


  17. And the algorithms are just as important-from binary search to different sorts to graph traversals , a rockstar engineer must know and internalize the basics .


  18. Rockstar is seeking injunctions to prevent the handset makers from infringing its patents and pursuing unspecified damages from the handset makers and Google .


  19. The Nortel patent portfolio at the center of the suits had been the subject of a high-stakes battle between Google and the Rockstar group 21 / 2 years ago .


  20. Some legal experts expect the lawsuits will trigger renewed attention to Rockstar , largely because it gives the appearance that three leading competitors to Android are teaming up against it .


  21. The litigation also targets parts of Google 's core Web-search technology , based on patents Rockstar bought from Nortel Networks Inc. in 2011 after defeating Google in a bidding war .


  22. Rockstar says the handset makers have infringed patents related to some basic features of many smartphones , including a 2000 patent that relates to navigating through documents on a hand-held device .


  23. He said the agreements made by Apple and Microsoft and the Justice Department only applied to the patents that the companies held on to , not to Rockstar or its 4000 patents . '


  24. A chief concern was that Apple and Microsoft , which took ownership of many patents related to wireless standards , rather than leave them with Rockstar , would use the patents to quash competition .


  25. Nevertheless , the Rockstar lawsuits , filed Thursday in federal court in Marshall , Texas , sent shock waves through an industry for which courtroom brawling has become the norm .
