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美 [ˈrɪdɪŋ]英 [ˈrɪdɪŋ]
  • v.去掉;去除;摆脱;摆脱;去除;消除
  • rid的现在分词



  • 2
    PHRASE 扔掉;丢弃
    When you get rid of something that you do not want or do not like, you take action so that you no longer have it or suffer from it.

    The owner needs to get rid of the car for financial reasons...


  • 3
    PHRASE 摆脱;甩掉;赶走
    If you get rid of someone who is causing problems for you or who you do not like, you do something to prevent them affecting you any more, for example by making them leave.

    He believed that his manager wanted to get rid of him for personal reasons...


  • 4
    VERB 使…去掉;使…去除;使…摆脱
    If you rid a place or person of something undesirable or unwanted, you succeed in removing it completely from that place or person.

    The proposals are an attempt to rid the country of political corruption...


  • 5
    VERB 摆脱;去除;消除
    If you rid yourself of something you do not want, you take action so that you no longer have it or are no longer affected by it.

    Why couldn't he ever rid himself of those thoughts, those worries?


  • 6
    ADJ 得到解脱的;摆脱…的
    If you are rid of someone or something that you did not want or that caused problems for you, they are no longer with you or causing problems for you.

    The family had sought a way to be rid of her and the problems she had caused them.


  • 7
    PHRASE 幸亏摆脱了
    If you say that someone is well rid of someone, you think it is good that the person has gone because you did not like them or you think they caused a lot of problems.

    It seems to me your wife was a shallow woman and you're well rid of her.


  1. The country is ridding itself of its disgraced prime minister in a veil of secrecy


  2. Design of Intelligent Unbalance - ridding Module in General Dynamic Balancing Machine


  3. Ridding China of the Soviet Model & The course of establishing the pattern of socialism with Chinese feature


  4. Take you ridding in my car car .


  5. the day we Americans celebrate ridding ourselves of the British .


  6. Ridding the Study of Chinese Social Formation of the Shackles of Evolutionist Anthropology


  7. The reason from tradition to modern of Chinese Philosophy is ridding the backwardness and getting the development .


  8. The common malfunctions of centrifugal air blower and the methods of ridding them out


  9. Ridding the inert toxic component solvable in water ;


  10. The ways of ridding from poverty and securing prosperity in the poor mountainous region of Qinghai Province


  11. B.How will ridding myself of resentment help me to develop a positive belief system in my life ?


  12. The U.S. and China are committing to a process aimed at ridding North Korea of its nuclear weapons .


  13. Discussing and Researching on Ridding Machines that Used to Clean Out the Ice and Snow on the Cities Roads


  14. People gathered here to thank the president for ridding the world of Osama Bin Laden .


  15. The city he helps govern , in short , is ridding itself of the plastic shopping bag .


  16. After acquisition , we need make data processing , for example ridding noises , unifying coordinate system , creating model and analyzing it .


  17. Who do you think was responsible for ridding this town of vampires in 1864 ?


  18. Therefore , like Dadaist artists , he started by ridding the art images off their symbolic elements .


  19. The principle of the ridding of unbalance mass is presented and the vector decomposition of great unbalance is given as well .


  20. We call on world leaders to invest in the plan , which can help move us towards ridding the world of TB .


  21. The utility model discloses a bionical motion apparatus which is used for enjoying , entertainment and ridding .


  22. In turn , executives are considering ridding " chemical " from its title as well , according to a company spokesperson .


  23. The Application of High-Emission Vehicles ' Remote-Monitoring Ridding in Taiwan


  24. So again , I got down on my hands and knees and got to work ridding them from my yard .


  25. Besides that , the paper puts forward the corresponding measures for ridding alarm and the early-warning countermeasures according to the causes of distress .


  26. In the course of structural adjustment , we must start from ridding the market inadequacy and attach importance to the role of the market .


  27. But officials at Visit Milwaukee contend that the city has come a long way in ridding itself of its beer-guzzling image .


  28. Ridding the food supply of trans fats , the researchers write , could potentially improve the cholesterol levels of millions of people .


  29. Only after ridding alienated state of man 's labour by transforming capitalist system all-out , will man turn into all-round development man .


  30. Sweat glands bring down internal temperature through perspiration while ridding the body of the waste fluids urea and lactate .
