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  • v.(在推特社交网站上)转发
  1. Next , the application will fire off a background process to obtain the user 's retweet data .


  2. One particularly popular retweet was the final message from actor Leonard Nimoy .


  3. But first I 'm going to model my Retweet object .


  4. For this application , we 'll need to create two domain classes : Retweet and User .


  5. The relationship between the two objects really only needs a hard connection on the Retweet object .


  6. These methods cement the relationship between the two objects : User now directly sets its ownership of a Retweet .


  7. All related Retweet objects are then retrieved .


  8. You might have noticed that there 's an implicit workflow to the relationship between the User and Retweet objects .


  9. And in the celebration of us having the most retweet selfie ever ,


  10. The relationship in this case is also handled by the owning object & the User instance adds itself to the Retweet .


  11. Samsung said it will donate a dollar for everytime some retweet the photo .


  12. But advertisers pay more when users click on the tweet or retweet it to others , among other situations .


  13. Given that the Retweet app is being deployed to a web environment , the first step is to register it with Twitter .


  14. And they don 't retweet as often as bots do .


  15. I 'll use servlets to handle logging into Twitter , pulling retweet data , and finally displaying a nifty report .


  16. So userName is a property in Retweet , but I 've left it as username in my JSON document .


  17. All you need is an index finger ( or any firm object ) so that you can press the forward button - or to click retweet on Twitter .


  18. You have to provide the correct information but then you must have mechanisms in place to follow up and respond , reply and retweet if the messages are getting distorted .


  19. we have to look at how we display the follower count , how we display retweet count , how we display " likes , " and just ask the deep question :


  20. Consequently , a User instance doesn 't actually have to persist Retweet Keys on its side & a User instance can simply query retweets for those that link back to itself .


  21. At a high level , the web application , which is comprised of User and Retweet , will do a number of things : First , the user must authenticate him or herself with Twitter via OAuth .


  22. Simultaneously , the application will display a dashboard and make an Ajax call to retrieve the retweet data , which should already be persisted to the GAE datastore ( aka Bigtable ) .


  23. In his retweet , Wang stressed that during the pilot run , only 140 characters will be displayed in followers ' feeds and a link will appear to show the entire content if a post exceeds the character limit .


  24. It is as easy as hitting the retweet button and , far from looking crass , it has the further beauty of seeming almost good manners , as a retweet is a self-serving sort of thank you .


  25. However , a system that allows people to comment anonymously , and which makes it easy to retweet and share messages , is vulnerable to manipulation , particularly by organised groups with money and personnel - especially as the mainstream media seem willing to amplify their message .


  26. During the time I have been writing these paragraphs he has failed to resist the urge to retweet the following from @ jamiesaboyname : " Such an amazing experience last night , to be in the presence of two of the worlds most beautiful minds @ RichardDawkins @ LKrauss1 . "


  27. Join group discussions and contribute " thoughtful , content-rich information that can raise your visibility and identify you as an expert in your field . " You should also follow those senior managers on Twitter and , when it makes sense to do so , retweet their Tweets with an insightful comment of your own .
