resource product

resource productresource product
  1. Analysis to forest resource product flow and its dynamics in China during 1981 ~ 2000


  2. And then the potential resource product of infilling well are evaluated by the new method .


  3. Crude oil is the most important resource product in the development of modern industry and economy . The price of crude oil is the main price indicator of raw and processed materials .


  4. China lacks international pricing power for its bulk imports for three major reasons : absence of international pricing center , monopoly on resource product market , and lack of risk prevention mechanism .


  5. The expected domestic food price rises , the resource product pricing reform , rising labor costs as well as imported price pressures would combine to push up inflation , it said .


  6. According to the theories of exhausted resource product price and the situation of China coal price and the importance of China coal market to international coal market and energy market , the paper put forth the objective of meeting China coal price with international market price .


  7. The theory of Social Accounting Matrix including Resources and Environment ( SAMRE ) is used in this article . The data from 1991-1999 of Fujian Province such as Net Resource Product ( NRP ), Net Environment Product ( NEP ) and Genuine Saving ( Sg ) are calculated .


  8. Emphasizes on the order , resource and product information of the process quality model and indicates their main components and application method .


  9. This technology built a system solid dustproof and solved the problem of the resource of product dust in working face and improved the working circumstance .


  10. It not only strength the complex utilization degree of tailing , but also open up a path for exploit of secondary resource and product high added value production .


  11. The drawing information classification is expanded into the total procedure of EDI , which could be treated as the information resource for product information acquisition with reasonable organization structure .


  12. The restrictive factor of these six kind of large pillar industry development is that industrial technology independent innovation ability is insufficient , only the resource primary product can be produced .


  13. Agricultural development is stagnant , restricting by both agricultural resource and product market with the forming of the agricultural buyer 's market . So the only way for agricultural development is structural adjustment .


  14. In order to adapt the diverse market demand , the enterprises emphasize the core competition more and more . They will gain the non-core resource of product from the vendor through the supply chain .


  15. The urban land price is the combined result of its attributes of resource and product , urban economic development and the contradiction of land supply and demand , indirectly represented by general prices , rents and other forms .


  16. Process knowledge is an important enterprise knowledge resource in product designing and manufacturing and an indispensable part of information technology system in manufacturing industries . It is also the core and key element in realizing the intelligence of process planning information system .


  17. Urban network construction and reconstruction is a project that aims to form a newer and higher productivity of urban distribute network by taking use of parts of existing power system resource and product material . The investment of urban network construction and reconstruction project is very large .


  18. Influence of Agricultural Climatic Resource on the product of Sericulture in Dabie Mountain Area


  19. According to these requirements , paper divides the product design into two fields , which is resource design and product nature design .


  20. The proposed framework consisted of three parts : process model oriented to product lifecycle , extended enterprise resource model and product information model .


  21. Since the reforming and opening up policy , bamboo industry in China has achieved quick development in resource cultivation , product processing and foreign trade .


  22. Green manufacturing is a modern manufacturing mode which comprehensive considered environmental impact and resource consumption , product manufacturing process is the key issue for manufacturing industry to realize green manufacturing .


  23. As a main knowledge resource of mechanical product innovation , the shortcoming of patent technology knowledge conventional class was pointed out , and suggestions for the class were given .


  24. Activity-based costing allocates costing by activity , objectively illustrates the relationship between resource consumption and product cost , which keeps the result of cost accounting more accurate .


  25. Industrial transition is the process , in which some industries shift from a country or region to another for the reason that the conditions of resource supplying and product demand have changed .


  26. An input-output table of energy and environmental loads was proposed , in which many problems have been considered synchronously in steel manufacturing process including resource consumption , product manufacturing and pollutant emission etc.


  27. The product configuration technology is the key technology and core component of mass customization . It plays an extremely important role in managing product data efficiently and using resource to implement product customization design .


  28. Under mass customization , we build the variant design system for the rapid combination design of product based on PDM platform , it can obviously improve the reuse of enterprise design resource and reduce product design period ;


  29. With economic development , it exposed environmental pollution , resource depletion , product quality and safety and other socio-economic problems , which make the research into the issue of corporate social responsibility become the focus of the theoretical and practical industry .


  30. Finally , waste tire recycling process as an example , elaborate the guiding role of the full life cycle management of tire production and resource recycling to product development , process improvements , equipment to optimize , and promote the rapid transformation of the tire companies .
