
美 [ˌriːˈmaʊntɪd]英 [ˌriːˈmaʊntɪd]
  • v.再次骑上,重新跨上(马、自行车等);再次组织;重新开始
  • remount的过去分词和过去式



  • 1
    VERB 再骑上(自行车或马)
    When you remount a bicycle or horse, you get back on it after you have got off it or fallen off it.

    He was told to remount his horse and ride back to Lexington...


  1. He took her brother 's horse in hand while Dany remounted her silver .


  2. But he remounted his horse and continued along the road he had chosen , in the faint hope of finding some cottage where he might ask for shelter and a meal .


  3. He was told to remount his horse and ride back to Lexington


  4. The pony scrabbled up and waited for the rider , who remounted and carried on .


  5. Remount to Chinese architecture history , we acknowledge that function is as such leading form .


  6. Still Tess could not be induced to remount .


  7. A reboot is not necessary to effect this change ; you only need to remount each file system .


  8. Why didn 't you remount and ride back instead of just sitting there ?


  9. For example , to remount the root file system , run mount / - o remount .


  10. Separate multiple options , such as remount and ro , with commas .


  11. Also , remember that you can easily remount a filesystem ( with new options ) without unmounting it .


  12. There are some useful scripts provided with Pebble Linux to let you remount the root filesystem as either read-only or read / write .


  13. The two spent a few hours at Yonville with Binet and then remounted the Bovary carriage .


  14. Fortunately , tmpfs allows you to specify a maximum upper bound for the filesystem size when a filesystem is mounted or remounted .


  15. The Prince remounted his charger , Puddleglum climbed up behind Jill , and Golg led the way .


  16. Note that you can also remount existing filesystems and set the I / O pacing , which can be helpful if you want to alter the performance of a disk that is already actively providing service .


  17. A container will remount / dev / pts , after which it will be unable to access the devpts entries belonging to the host or other containers .


  18. When the cacophony grew too much to bear , I remounted and pedalled furiously , banshees screaming past my ears , my feet assuming a clockwork of their own .


  19. New-Expressionism came into being in the rebellion against American Pop Art , Conceptual and Abstract expressionism mainstream art . Its rising made the postwar European art remount the historical stage and put an end to the absolutely superior situation of American art .


  20. And let me talk to you with your silence That is bright like a lamp , simple as a ring You are like the night , with its stillness and constellations Your silence is that of a star , as remount and candid


  21. On the outskirts of town were the remount depots where horses and mules milled about in large corrals , and along side streets were the hospitals . The horse man came up with a group of people who were making the pilgrimage on foot .
