regional metallogeny

  • 网络区域成矿学
regional metallogenyregional metallogeny
  1. The basic theory of ore prognosis : The theoretical system for the extension of regional metallogeny to ore exploration


  2. Crust_mantle metallogeny is an important bridge linking deep geology with regional metallogeny .


  3. The estimated factor value used to analyze potentiality of regional metallogeny


  4. Some features of regional metallogeny of China


  5. Problems pertaining to regional metallogeny of China


  6. Regional metallogeny of the Wudang massif in Hubei Province


  7. Plate tectonics and regional metallogeny ;


  8. Starting from the present research situation , endogenic and exogenic gold ore deposits and gold regional metallogeny have been discussed .


  9. Major features of regional metallogeny of China are as follows : ① many ore deposits are concentrated on the margins of the old land ;


  10. The research of crust_mantle metallogeny through connecting the mineralization with the deep process has become an important trend of regional metallogeny .


  11. More research works have been done on how that geodynamic setting controls gold metallogeny . Basic theory of regional metallogeny has been established .


  12. The study of regional metallogeny is a complex branch of geosciences , dealing with the research of regional tectonic setting , ore forming system and metallogenic evolution to reveal the regulations of temporal and spatial distribution of mineral deposits .


  13. From similar reasoning , other expressions as for the spatial distribution of elements in a geological body , metallogenetic process , element pair ratio distribution , marginal grade of an ore deposit and regional metallogeny rate can be derived as well .
