rectifier diode

美 [ˈrɛktəˌfaɪər ˈdaɪoʊd]英 [ˈrɛktɪfaɪə ˈdaɪəʊd]
  • 网络整流二极管;整流二极体;普通整流二极管
rectifier dioderectifier diode
  1. This thesis discusses how the testing methods affect electrical parameter of the rectifier diode .


  2. An Analysis on Configuration of 1500 V 24 Pulses Rectifier Diode Used in Urban Rail Transit


  3. Study of breakdown mechanism of the silicon rectifier diode


  4. The welding technic on the rectifier diode connection for improving reliability .


  5. Testing and Application of △ U_F of Rectifier Diode


  6. Due to the halved transformer primary voltage , the rectifier diode voltage stresses are reduced distinctly .


  7. The voltage stress of the secondary rectifier diode is kept as small as that of hard - switching converter .


  8. Discussion on △ U_F of Automobile Silicon Rectifier Diode


  9. Rectifier diode fast , soft-recovery .


  10. Methods To determine electric field , magnetic field and electric current on human bodies induced by electric blanket with a temperature - adjustable semiwave rectifier diode , which was domestically popular .


  11. The origin of △ UF of automobile silicon rectifier diode is introduced here . The factors to affect △ UF in experiments and the way to reduce △ UF are also expounded .


  12. Also this paper analyzes the power consumption of the chip , and analyses the switch tube conduction loss , switch loss , gate drive loss and rectifier diode losses in detail , and gives corresponding optimization scheme .


  13. The article narrated detailed electrical parameter design , structural design , reliability design , technological design and completed the result confirmation , to provid one new method for the development of the high-tension highpower swift-restore rectifier diode .


  14. The metal-packed rectifier diode is normally a high-power cavity device which asked for the importance of reliability . Rational structure designing and thermal designing are the key to success of manufacturing the metal-packed rectifier diode .


  15. The application of the high-frequency amplifier simplifies the circuit structure and the mechanism for forming soft switching , effectively prevents cross interference when multi-output performed , and obviously reduces the noise caused by reserve recovery of the output rectifier diode .


  16. This converter uses a simple auxiliary circuit without the active switch and lossy components so that the voltage stress of secondary rectifier diode is reduced and the current to charge or discharge clamping capacitance is self-adjusted in accordance with the load .


  17. Zero-Voltage Switching ( ZVS ) of the IGBT ( MOSFET or BJT ) and Zero-Current Switching ( ZCS ) of the rectifier diode can reduce the switching losses in both the inverter and the rectifier .


  18. According to the design parameters of converter circuit , structures the SABER-based open-loop simulation model , gives an analysis and verifies the working status of the push-pull forward converter circuit , focusing on the verification of the effect of CDD buffer circuit to restrain rectifier diode peak voltage .


  19. Zero-Voltage-Zero-Current-Switching ( ZVZCS ) turn-on and Zero-Voltage-Switching ( ZVS ) turn-off of the main switch , Zero-Current-Switching ( ZCS ) turn-on and zero-voltage-switching ( ZVS ) turn-off of the auxiliary switch , zero-current-switching ( ZCS ) turn-off of the output rectifier diode were realized in proposed converter .


  20. According to the actual characteristics of switch power supply , the power MOSFET and the second rectifier - diode are chosen . Finally , the rationality of the design is verified .


  21. Because of uncontrolled rectifier based on diode , general inverter has some shortcomings , such as un-revisable power flow , low power factor and DC voltage uncontrollable and so on .


  22. To utilize the DSP fully , MOSFET is selected as rectifier instead of diode . The Drive methods are introduced in the paper and analyse the method of synchronous signal which is generated by DSP .


  23. Although the grid current harmonics are much lower using PWM rectifier than that using diode rectifier , they can not be eliminated completely and are affected by many factors .


  24. The traditional rectifier circuits are generally diode uncontrollable rectifier or thyristor phase rectifier circuit , these rectifier circuits are always with high harmonic wave , low power factor , and can polluting the power grid easier .


  25. To reform planing machine made in home , using rectifier bridge , which is mainly consisted of rectifier diode , to replace of directcurrent exciter in Shiheng special steel works .
