
  • 网络使合理化


weed out unwanted or unnecessary things
We had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet
Synonym: cut prune rationalize
remove irrational quantities from
This function can be rationalized
Synonym: rationalize
think rationally;employ logic or reason
When one wonders why one is doing certain things, one should rationalize
Synonym: rationalize
defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning
rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior
he rationalized his lack of success
Synonym: apologize apologise excuse justify rationalize
structure and run according to rational or scientific principles in order to achieve desired results
We rationalized the factory's production and raised profits
Synonym: rationalize


  1. Mr Yau says his idea at the time was simple : to try to rationalise the Chinese restaurant business .


  2. Find out how we ′ ve helped food sector companies rationalise purchases , cut costs and increase productivity .


  3. The real issue is not whether conventional economic theory can rationalise bubbles .


  4. I rationalise it by saying that I need the money .


  5. But the industry cannot rationalise by itself : the state controls the supply of licences and spectrum .


  6. Rationalise number of lubricants used in order to simplify procedure and prevent human error ( e.g. using the wrong oil )


  7. Those who cheat on their expenses will find it harder to rationalise their corruption .


  8. Sknl has taken advantage of flexibility in the US bankruptcy code to rationalise the structure of its purchase .


  9. It allows sub-standard chief executives to rationalise huge pay packages while their underlings get peanuts ( or rice ) .


  10. The new Russian ideology presents European values as part of a hypocritical propaganda the west uses to rationalise its pursuit of geopolitical and economic interests .


  11. People can rationalise it by saying that it 's cheaper than going out for a night out and wasting much more and not meeting anyone .


  12. It is tempting to rationalise such declines with reference to the actions of central banks , yet this fails to provide wholly satisfying explanations .


  13. But , he adds : " I personally hope that the regulatory authorities will come up with a more permanent solution to the fragmentation and rationalise the market structure . "


  14. As the Treasury said in 2008 , " the realities of the current marketplace for securities and futures products make it increasingly difficult to rationalise a separate regulatory regime " .


  15. The focus will be to rationalise state regulation of insurance companies , state-chartered banks and securities dealers and perhaps serve as a model for other states and even the federal government .


  16. " The aim is to curb excessive growth of exports , rationalise export structure , ease trade friction and slow down sales of products that consume a lot of energy , " the Ministry said .


  17. Other turnround measures seem sensible : rationalise Europe ( 81 per cent of group revenues in the last quarter ) , sell the lossmaking North American arm , and push further into China .


  18. When they are not tawdry opportunities to air grievances , settle scores or rationalise errors , they tend to be tales of adversity with a triumphant twist .


  19. This means we consider strategies that maximise lettable areas , rationalise service space , allow for passive means to heat and cool and reduce the building 's overall use of energy as well as enrich the urban landscape .


  20. Knowing that governments are serious about stabilising debt levels makes it easier for most central bankers to rationalise continued crisis measures , as some central bank governors ( notably in the UK ) have quite candidly stated .


  21. In March , an Australian pension fund manager , local government super , used the HSBC and CarbonTracker arguments to rationalise A shares investment option that excludes coal mining completely : this in an economy reliant on it .
