random coil

美 [ˈrændəm kɔɪl]英 [ˈrændəm kɔɪl]
  • 网络无规卷曲;无规则卷曲;随机卷曲;无规线团;无规则线团
random coilrandom coil
  1. There are some β - sheet changed into random coil after treated by metal salt , oxidants and reducing agent .


  2. In the presence of ATP , aptamers changed into closed loop from random coil , and the fluorescence intensity declined .


  3. Its second structure involved some extended strand and random coil .


  4. Under some conditions , protein will unfold into random coil that loses biochemical function .


  5. After kept in air for 30 days , part of the random coil transformed to α helix , but no β sheet structure formed .


  6. The structure of regenerated A. pernyi silk fibroin films was the coexistence of α helix and random coil .


  7. The transformation from random coil to β - folding of various factors which have influence on the molecular conformations of sericin has also been studied .


  8. During the forming of myosin gel , myosin molecules extended and changed into random coil contributed to myosin heavy chain cross-linking .


  9. CD results suggest that RSF undergoes a conformation transition from random coil to P-sheet . The transition kinetics consists two different rate sections .


  10. In the absence of Pb2 + , the thrombin binding aptamer with a random coil structure exhibits a relatively weak scattering intensity .


  11. While in far higher concentration of NaOH than transitional concentration , the random coil was the more favorite conformational structures to curdlan molecules ;


  12. During long interaction period or at high concentration of CTAB , CTAB unfolded the protein by decreasing the α - helix structure and increasing the random coil .


  13. Loss of a-helix gradually transformed into β - sheet and random coil , which the latter two were involved in the structure of the gel . 3 .


  14. Therefore , the content of a-helix , B-sheet gradually reduced , while B-turn and the random coil increased as increasing heating temperature and heating time .


  15. The two effectors have no signal peptide . The secondary stucture of the two proteins were composed of random coil , alpha helix and extend strand .


  16. Circular dichroism detection indicated the secondary structure of gelatin contains 61.5 % β - turn and 38.5 % random coil without the traditional a-helix and P-sheet .


  17. From the thermal effects , the inactivation of potato PPO in infared radiation is probably caused by a-helix turning to P-turn and random coil .


  18. It was demonstrated that the enzyme has 28.8 % a-helix , 27.9 % p-sheet , 43.2 % random coil by the analysis of circular dichroism spectrum .


  19. In the light of polymer physics , protein folding can be viewed as the process that a special type of polymer chain proceeds from random coil state to compact and ordered globular state .


  20. Sericin consists of random coil and β structure , in which the former is the main part . The content of amino acids which have polar side chains is as high as 74.61 % .


  21. The 3D model of ubiquitin was spheroidal , including a a-helix and two β - sheets , and C-terminal was a random coil , which was similar to known ubiquitin structures .


  22. The results showed that the electrochemical reduction induced the conformational transition of MP-11 from random coil to α - helix and provided an important information for understanding biological electron transfer mechanism coupled with conformational transitions .


  23. It was found that with the increase of PGG concentration , the interaction of PGG with HSA has mainly caused the change from the α - helix structure to β - turn and random coil structure .


  24. The configuration of the composite was described in terms of the random coil model and scanning electro microscopy ( SEM ) . The effect factors of beating degree , content of basalt fiber and adhesive , etc were discussed .


  25. The results showed that without ATP and cDNA , fluorescence intensity of the aptamers was weak , and the majority of the aptamers were closed-loop , and a few of aptamers were random coil .


  26. The results show that different electric field strength ranging from 1.0 to 6.0 kV · cm-1 has a different effect on the relative contents of α - helix ,β - sheet ,β - turn and random coil of the HRP .


  27. The Results showed that the fusion region of BCR-ABL fusion protein ( p210 ~ ( BCR-ABL )) probably lo - cated in a B cell epitope which contained α - helix and random coil structure .


  28. Spatial structure simulation indicated that periphery of this protein was α - helix , and inside were P-pleated sheet structure and random coil , perhaps it was the active centre of the combination of this protein and its substrate .


  29. It was found that the conformation of silk fibroin was changed from random coil and α - helix to β - sheet structure during the storage . And the higher the solution concentration is , the more the conformational transformation .


  30. It was found through circular dichroism spectrum analysis that the secondary structure of Peak 1 was the most complex , including β - corner ( 31.5 % ), random coil ( 27 % ) and α - helix ( 25.8 % ) .
