quantum limit

美 [ˈkwɑːntəm ˈlɪmɪt]英 [ˈkwɒntəm ˈlɪmɪt]
  • 网络量子极限;量子限制;量子限
quantum limitquantum limit
  1. The numerical simulation results show the quantum limit of the quantum well width , beyond which will observe the resonant tunneling phenomena .


  2. The specified chronicle quantum limit is not valid . The quantum limit must be a non-negative integer .


  3. It is pointed out that in order to approach the quantum limit of the photo-electric detector , the narrow-band and low noise amplifier should be connected with the detector .


  4. Carbon nanotubes carry an extremely high current and carry it with such extremely little resistance , it 's possible they carry current as well as it can be carried & at its quantum limit .


  5. Coherent doppler wind lidar is currently one of the major means for the atmospheric wind field measurement , with an advantage of high signal-to-noise ratio and short bandwidth . It is capable of obtaining a sensitivity close to quantum limit and a high precision of clear sky detection ability .


  6. Optical characteristics of InGaAs vertically coupled quantum dots vertical limit Chinese knot


  7. In Heisenberg picture the difference from the earlier multiple-scale perturbation solution is that the commutation relation of coordinate and momentum operator is naturally simplified and it is very convenient to get classical result from quantum one in limit condition .


  8. Quantum oscillator and classical limit of quantum system


  9. With decreasing the size of silicon quantum dot , the limit of optical absorption shifts to higher energy .
