quadrature phase shift keying

  • 网络正交相移键控;四相相移键控;四相移相键控;正交相位偏移键控;四进移相键控
quadrature phase shift keyingquadrature phase shift keying
  1. Quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ) signaling is employed to make efficient use of the available bandwidth .


  2. Intersymbol - Interference and Jitter Free Offset - keyed Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ( IJF-OQPSK ) is a new modulation method in modern digital modulation techniques .


  3. All digital receiver of quadrature phase shift keying with large frequency shift correction


  4. Double Baseband Processing Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Modulation Technique


  5. IJF-OQPSK is actually to modulate the IJF codes by the Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying .


  6. For quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ) modulation technique , a baseband DBF algorithm of smart antenna fixed beams is presented .


  7. Feher patented Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ( FQPSK ), which is suitable for deep space communication , is introduced at first .


  8. The performance estimation of quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ) signaling over a Rice lading channel was simulated and the corresponding analyzing results were obtained .


  9. The applied background of high-data-rate demodulator is discussed and the composition and operation principle of a new multirate Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ( QPSK ) demodulator is introduced .


  10. A QPSK blind sequence detection algorithm based on the ε - equalization principle is proposed . The algorithm can formulate the quadrature phase shift keying blind sequence detection into a quadratic programming with integer constraints .


  11. As the key component of satellite digital video broadcast receive system and chip , this paper ( pre - )( sented ) the design of an all-digital quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ) demodulator .


  12. The aim of this thesis is to implement all digital modem of π / 4 offset differentially encoded quadrature phase shift keying (π / 4-DQPSK ), which belongs to a part of the wireless communication systems .


  13. OQPSK ( Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ) modulation technology is a constant envelope modulation technology , which possesses the features of high spectrum and power utilization ratio . The modern method has been widely employed in satellite communication system and mobile communication system .


  14. The modulation characteristic of Feher and Kato ′ s patented Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ( FQPSK-KF ) is studied , including theoretic analysis of its envelope trait and computation of its power spectral density ( PSD ) .


  15. This paper introduces the circuit principle for an fully digital π / 4 shift differentially encoded quadrature phase shift keying ( DQPSK ) modulation & demodulation . We apply the recently proposed 1 bit demodulation arithmetic , and successfully realized demodulation .


  16. Basing on the briefly introduction of the LSL ( least-squares lattice ) algorithm and QPSK ( quadrature phase shift keying ), a LSL adaptive equalizer for QPSK modulation is presented . The equalizer shows the good performances .


  17. The ε - equalization principle which is different from the conventional zero-forcing equalization is deduced based on the quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ) alphabet . The necessary and sufficient condition of the existence of the ε - equalizer is proved .


  18. To do away with the fussiness of phase when carrier wave recovers in the coherent demodulation of quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ), the equations are deduced as to how to natural differential coder in the sender and decoder in the receiver .


  19. In order to make the limited spectrum range accommodate more communication channels , some linear modulation techniques are proposed , such as QAM ( Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ), QPSK ( Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ), etc.
