push a button

美 [pʊʃ ə ˈbʌtn]英 [pʊʃ ə ˈbʌtn]
  • 按按钮;揿下按钮
push a buttonpush a button
  1. If you are standing near the buttons , be willing to push a button for someone who asks if you can .


  2. He push a button and set the machine In motion


  3. Navigation System : To Touch a Screen or Push a Button ?


  4. Soon , everyone will be able to just push a button .


  5. ' You don 't need to push a button , ' he said . ' It 's a very considerate design . '


  6. In the second one , 86 students were told they were competing with a partner to see who could push a button faster .


  7. Customers then have to push a button for the phone to display the familiar grid that Apple claims infringes its design .


  8. When you push a button , your application essentially becomes unusable until the request you just triggered is responded to .


  9. All hungry customers need to do is place a cup under the machine 's nozzle , push a button and mashed potato comes pouring out .


  10. The headbands would transmit their brain activity to the robotic hand sharing the stage , which would then push a button to officially start the conference .


  11. Since phone numbers can be stored in a cellphone 's memory , it 's easier to take the phone out of our pocket and push a button to make a call .


  12. People see they can push a button and a Town Car magically appears , but they don 't realize all the math and logistics in making that occur , he told AFP .


  13. If you come to the end and the interconnect line is too long and to fix it you have to shuffle all this stuff around , you can 't just push a button .


  14. In the event of a security incident , the instructor can push a button on the pendant microphone to send a silent alarm and to trigger video surveillance of the incident .


  15. The goal is to extract frames from the camera at particular intervals and save them somewhere , preferably on another machine , and possibly also allow the user to push a button to save frames .


  16. Where they fared less well was number ability ( how quickly you can multiply , add , subtract and divide ) and perceptual speed - how fast you can push a button when prompted .


  17. While wearing an EEG cap , participants were asked to push a button with their right index finger for real items and another button with their right middle finger for nonreal / scrambled items .


  18. Nobody needs to be spared the less-than-onerous task of pulling down the tailgate of an SUV , but it is way more convenient , clean , and quick to push a button -- especially when your arms are full .


  19. The new technology would allow event organizers and performers to set up a device on the stage , push a button and instantly hinder the audience from recording their favorite song or snapping an image of the performer for their Instagram .


  20. ROSE SHUMAN : " try to bring a lot of infrastructure to them and expect them to learn how to use the Internet , the idea was to make a technology that even Grandma could use , figuring that Grandma could probably walk up to a box and push a button . "


  21. Put " The Interview " on Hulu , on iTunes , on Google Play , on Netflix , on NBC and all the broadcast networks , on Showtime and all the cable stations , put it anywhere and everywhere that people can push a button and watch at the same time .


  22. At the push of a button he could get a whole list of names .


  23. That sent documents anywhere with the push of a button .


  24. You can 't expect to get everything you need at the push of a button .


  25. With electronic machines that allow you to pay at the push of a button .


  26. Prices will appear on electronic labels and change with the push of a button .


  27. The gate slid opened at the push of a button .


  28. Last year , at the push of a button , Georges suddenly saw light again .


  29. Curve or table view as well as report printing is also possible at the push of a button in the software .


  30. Phone owners confirm the purchase with the push of a button and the deal is complete .
