public lesson

public lessonpublic lesson
  1. This text has analysed the status of the public lesson of computer science in the universities .


  2. Then the author selects three teachers teaching public lesson 《 The Modern educational technology 》 as research object , mainly develop an activity research .


  3. A lot of colleges fit the needs of the society , set up the law public lesson to improve our law education to the more profound level .


  4. The learning record of public lesson , other medical basic lessons and medical immunology and microbiology have significance discrepancy in high duty class students , but have no significance discrepancy in adult students .


  5. Thus appeared the calculator extended education only in this kind of public lesson , observe and learn the lesson to carry on the teaching , pack to order this circumstance of the public appearance .


  6. From one hand we should pay attention to how to make good use of information technology to optimize computer public lesson . On the other hand we should think how to change and optimize the role of the teacher and students in learning environment with information technology .


  7. Investigation and Research Report on the Public Theory Lesson Teaching


  8. One thinks that the public theory lesson teaching is " very good " .


  9. Try the composing of the textbook in public mathematical lesson in University


  10. The experiment on grading standards of the public swimming lesson in general colleges guangdong province


  11. Recent teaching status of public art lesson is presenting a tendency of inclining , which is deviated from the original art teaching target .


  12. Common institutions of higher education can teach students nonprofessional dance by setting up public elective lesson and organizing dance association , so as to raise university students ' beauty appreciation and art accomplishment .


  13. Today , whether ordinary schools or vocational schools are increasing the campus culture , to enhance the quality of education and training of students , to train highly qualified personnel and social development , strengthen the management of public music lesson .


  14. Teaching Present Condition and Reforming Conception of the Public Physical Education Lesson in Universities


  15. Worst of all , neither the relevant government departments nor the public have learnt a lesson .
