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  • 网络保时捷扭矩引导系统;靶区;计划靶区;大体积进样;粒子追踪测速法
  1. Study on the PTV Technique and 3D Movement of Particles


  2. Development of the Microscopic PIT / PTV System for Two-Phase Flows


  3. Simulation System composed by ramp controllers , data transfer interface software and PTV traffic simulation software .


  4. Investigation to Gas-Particle Two-Phase Flow in CFB using PTV Technology


  5. Research on particle collision applying PTV Technology


  6. Large volume injection of samples with a temperature-programmed vaporizer ( PTV ) system was investigated .


  7. The software system is composed by the improved circle extraction algorithm , various image processing algorithms and PIV / PTV algorithms .


  8. Results ① 90 % isodose curve in all the four plans could cover 100 % of the PTV ;


  9. The principle of PTV and its phosphor 's property in Luminesence


  10. Objective To study the clinical effects of patient-triggered ventilation assist / control ( PTV A / C ) support on respiratory failure in neonates .


  11. PIV method uses Fast Fourier cross correlation , PTV method needs the center of every air bubble image , finds bubble pairs and then calculates velocity .


  12. The PTV of test matrix is different for each other , but has same weight value . And the weight value can be appointed by fault diagnosis system designer .


  13. Based on what mentioned above , dispatch problems of static and dynamic state for PTV are studied and discussed with genetic algorithm ( GA ) and Hybrid GA .


  14. The influence of parameter setting on calculation accuracy and calculation time is studied , and compared the matching rate , error matching rate and computing time of the four PTV algorithms .


  15. With the help of mechanical design and software control high-speed motor , high-level transducer and high-speed CCD is combined for the new PTV rheometer for polymer melts .


  16. Objective To study the measurement of the movement of residue thoracic stomach after surgical resection for esophageal cancer and define the optimal planning target volume ( PTV ) .


  17. The prescribed dose was 45 Gy at PTV for whole pelvic irradiation , and 60 Gy at CTV for recurrent patients .


  18. In order to make a meaningful comparison , it was defined that the 95 % isodose surface had to cover 100 % of the PTV in each plan ;


  19. With regard to actual case and operation environment of public traffic vehicles ( PTV ), intelligent dispatching method of PTV is studied by using intelligent characteristics of genetic algorithm ( GA ) .


  20. The paper introduces the general situation of America PTV and analyses the developing space of educational TV in our country . It also presents some points of view considering our educational development through comparing study .


  21. Results : ( 1 ) 3D-CRT plans could generally meet the demand of dose-volume constraints for PTV ( Planning Target Volume ) but less conformity for organs at risk .


  22. Conclusion The organ motion range in the direction of Z axis induced by respiration is reduced by ventral thoracic covering , which is important to reduce the range of PTV .


  23. These technology makes the tumors in the plan target volume ( PTV ) and shape more close to the clinical target volume ( CTV ), dose distribution on target area conformal better adjust .


  24. Split vent flow , purge time , PTV system temperature , and maximum sample volume were optimized . In comparison with conventional methods , the detection limits were improved by one order of magnitude .


  25. Hybrid IMRT planning reduced the maximum dose of PTV ( V105 % and V110 % ) significantly and has the best dosimetric uniformity .


  26. The velocity field measurement by use of the particle image velocimetry and particle tracking velocimetry ( PIV / PTV ) system in a tidal estuary model test has advantages of high speed and accuracy .


  27. Nowadays the radiotherapy technology is quickly developing , from previous physical modulated intensity radiotherapy to biological modulated intensity radiotherapy , accordingly the accurate delineation of PTV is becoming more and more important .


  28. This article expounds basic principles of genetic algorithm , and with regard to actual status of public traffic vehicles , intelligent dispatching of PTV was studied with GA , and has carried on the simulation experiment .


  29. When with the 20 ° wedge or with the 30 ° wedge , 95 % isodose curve could cover almost 100 % of the PTV , and CI were high .


  30. Considering the confinement of traditional PIV algorithm , a new PTV algorithm based on correlation was developed and realized , which can improve the spatial resolution and accuracy , especially in measurement of flow with high velocity gradient .
