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  • 网络网络;分组交换网;包交换网络;分组交换网络;位置
  1. The packet switching network ( PSN ) is a direction of network development of telecommunications .


  2. The challenge now is to help PSN expand .


  3. Effect and mechanism of acupoints injection of BCG - PSN on bronchial asthma


  4. The effects of the compositions of PSN PZT system on the piezoelectric properties and their mechanism are studied .


  5. PSN can increase the stability of perovskite phase and suppress the formation of pyrochlore phase .


  6. Study on Preparation BCG - PSN Microemulsion


  7. Effect of interpleural injection with BCG - PSN in treatment for tuberculous effusion


  8. Treatment of Nongonococcal Urethritis and Genital Herpes Using BCG ? PSN Combined with Routine Medication


  9. Comparison in immunization between BCG PSA and BCG PSN


  10. Conclusions Different kinds of dialyser membrane have different ability of complement activation : CU > PMMA > HE > PSN .


  11. Injection BCG - PSN and inhale hormone ( IJ + IH ) group ;


  12. Sony began a phased restoration of PSN Saturday to allow users to play games online , check out friends lists and manage accounts .


  13. It hasn 't been confirmed yet if this game is available on PSN ( I 'll update this post as soon as I know ) .


  14. A federal initiative called Project Safe Neighbourhoods ( PSN ) pays for the programme ; the federal district attorney directs it .


  15. Its basic goal is that provides multiple services over a PSN , including TDM electric circuit , SDH , ATM , Ethernet and so on .


  16. The results indicate that the model of nucleation at boundary with nucleation rate determined by strain rate and particle simulation nucleation ( PSN ) model are suitable for simulating DRX .


  17. Objective To probe into the pathogenic mechanisms of paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis ( PEM ) or sensory neuronopathy ( PSN ) .


  18. BCG Polysacchride nucleic acid ( BCG PSN ) is an immunomodulators extracted from M.bovie BCG strain .


  19. The results showed that BCG PSN were found to be capable of regulating the off balance of CD4 + T and CD8 + T cells induced by cytoxan to normal level .


  20. The inosculation of traditional telephony network based on circuit-switch ( SCN ) and IP network based on packet-switch ( PSN ) unfurls a huge developing space to us .


  21. That seems to be the default reaction this time , as Sony has tried to bind in PSN users by offering free premium services , while hoping that the risk of credit card fraud recedes .


  22. The recordings of the discharges of the pain-sensitive neurons ( PSN ) were made using single-barrel glass electrode for 20 seconds every 5 minutes before and after the coronary artery occlusion ( CAO ) .


  23. Objective The clinical and pathological features of 6 cases of placental site nodule / plaques ( PSN / P ) are described . The lesions represented a remnant of placental site tissue , which had tight association with ancient pregnancy .


  24. Pseudo-Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge ( PWE3 ) is a solution which is provided for the convergence of traditional communication network and existing Packet Switched Network ( PSN ) . so as to achieve the sharing of resources and extension of networks .


  25. In partic ˉ ular , the particle size of the coacervate in the formulation containing both PEO and cationic HEC was smaller . And what 's more , the PSN model gains finer grain .


  26. The results showed that the inorganic electrolyte molecules were adsorbed by PSN resin and the saturated adsorption capacity was 3.16mmol/g dry resin . The adsorption equilibrium of ( NH4 ) 2SO4 by PSN was corresponded to Langmuir equation .


  27. Objective : Know about the effect of prevention and cure to infant 's repeating respiratory tract Infection ( RRI ) as well as its influence on immune function with Bacill Calmette Guerin polysaccharide nucleic acid ( BCG - PSN ) .


  28. AIM : To observe the expression of mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) from patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis ( PTB ) and the effects of Bacillus Calmette Guerin Polysaccharide nucleic acid ( BCG PSN ) on them .


  29. Objective To investigate the effect of BCG-polysaccharides nucleic acid ( BCG - PSN ) on the expression of CD40 and CD40 ligand ( CD40L ) in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) of patients with condyloma acuminatum ( CA ) .
