- n.原(生)病毒

It is capable of being integrated into the continuity of the host cell DNA as provirus .
Clone and Sequence Analysis of the pol Gene of Simian Foamy Virus Type 1 Provirus
Another pathway of transgenic signal-regulating was to apply sectorial product of provirus .
Nucleotide sequence analysis of provirus gene of human T-lymphotropic virus type ⅰ from an inhabitant of Shantou region in Southeast China
The integration sites of provirus , the nature of the target cells and the structure of vectors were closely related to the stability of gene expression .
The study showed that provirus was very steady after EIAV virus integrating into the cell genome , it offer a credible basis for PCR assay of EIAV .
Goose Provirus ( GPV ) is the pathogen of highly contagious and fatal infectious diseases of goslings and Muscovy ducklings .
Objective The study was designed to investigate whether there existed provirus HIV DNA in the liver tissues of intravenous drug users ( IVDU ) with seronegative results of anti HIV test .
Results The levels of the provirus of the 8 patients ranged from 0 508 2 210 copies / μ g DNA , there were differences in the levels of replication and integration .
U937 / aCD87 cells were established by continuative G418 selection after retrovirus infection . In U937 / aCD87 cells , the integrated provirus and the overexpression of antisense uPAR gene was confirmed .
Protooncogene PIM ( Provirus Integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus ) kinases have been shown to have diverse biological roles in cell survival , proliferation , differentiation and apoptosis , as well as play an important role in tumor occurrence and development .