
美 [ˌprɑfəˈtɪrz]英 [ˌprɒfɪˈtɪəz]
  • n.奸商;投机商;牟取暴利的人
  • profiteer的第三人称单数和复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 奸商;投机商;牟取暴利的人
    If you describe someone as a profiteer, you are critical of them because they make large profits by charging high prices for goods that are hard to get.

    ...a new social class composed largely of war profiteers and gangsters.


  1. The profiteers cheated people right and left .


  2. Will give them the money and technology just to keep the War profiteers gong .


  3. He tried to profiteer from this dirty deal .


  4. If the air is recalculated in e.g. the food industry a less effective profiteer can be used .


  5. It is because advertisements have powerful influence that the profiteer often tricks the public by them .


  6. Profiteers cashed in during the gasoline shortage . Hong Kong Association of Petroleum Product Dealers Limited


  7. Other side , sport itself is the main profiteer owing to the sport 's charitable and public feature .


  8. Fujian is especially outstanding , jumping from a small gold producing province to a big gold producer and big profiteer .


  9. While millions were fighting and dying , the profiteers were lining their pockets .


  10. Small farms were increasingly replaced by large estates owned by rich generals and profiteers and worked by slaves .


  11. The many loopholes that have enabled profiteers to make money from the Clean Development Mechanism , without materially affecting emissions , are examples .


  12. He then added , " Lao Zhou also said that you have sold your own nose to a profiteer without paying tax . "


  13. She has also opened a boutique , and earned herself the reputation for being the first " Chinese profiteer " in Egypt .


  14. The profiteers who bleed consumers for money by hook or by crook are bound to come to grief in time .


  15. You have called me a IIAR and a thief and a war profiteer !


  16. Profiteers cashed in during the gasoline shortage .


  17. This demonstrates that you 're not trying to profiteer here & you genuinely have your buddy 's best interest at heart .


  18. This demonstrates that you 're not trying to profiteer here -- you genuinely have your buddy 's best interest at heart .


  19. Unlike law enforcement agencies , however , piracy profiteers play by no rules , and arrests and convictions are few and far between .


  20. After a huge financial crisis and a long list of scandals , banks are now viewed as incompetent profiteers run by spivs .


  21. In European literature , Jews are usually characterized as usurers and profiteers who are avaricious , mean , cunning and full of anxiety .


  22. Whoever profiteers from train and ship tickets , when the circumstances are serious , is to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment , criminal detention or control


  23. Yet , we have enough land to supply for people 's basic shelter need if the supplied land has not been cornered by big and small profiteers , if excessively luxurious housing demand is limited .


  24. The 2010 gold bubble is fuelled by a combination of five main factors : historically cheap cost of borrowing , a prolonged bull market , early profiteers , marketing hype and the risk being ignored .


  25. Last year , despite dire warnings about corporate profiteers , drunk drivers and surging policing costs , voters in the state approved the privatisation in a referendum by 59 % to 41 % .


  26. They 're not humanitarians . They are profiteers .


  27. Lucky to buy the right one in chance , unlucky to resell or have to gift to the other person while the product is not fit only themselves ; consumers but also cannot get favorable protection if some profiteer use e-commerce platform selling fake and low-quality commodities .


  28. Inevitably there were profiteers with gold headed canes and flamboyant diamond stickpins , but for every crooked tycoon there were thousands of ordinary citizens living on fixed incomes who did their best to cope with rising prices and still make a contribution to the war effort .
