
  • n.〈通〉腐霉利
  1. Rapid Determination of Procymidone Residue in Grape Wine by Gas Chromatography with Micro-chemical Method


  2. Study on the Resistance of Botrytis cinerea in Strawberry gray mold to Procymidone


  3. On the resistant strains induced by procymidone


  4. Variation of resistant level to procymidone due to hyphal fusion between sensitive isolate and resistant isolate could be detected .


  5. The study 15 % sumilex , procymidone , fumigant ( Safety type ) and its standardization were described .


  6. A Preliminary Study on the Electrophoretic Patterns of Soluble Proteins and Esterases of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Isolates with Different Resistant Levels to Procymidone


  7. Comparison in morphological , physiological and biochemical feathers between the resistant mutants and the sensitive strain of Botrytis cinerea to procymidone


  8. Residue Analysis of Procymidone , Imazalil , Iprodione and Prochloraz in Apple , Banana and Citrus


  9. By soaking the slices with 1 000 mg / kg procymidone , the sensitive strain was inhibited entirely while the mutant was done little .


  10. The resistance of Botrytis cinerea to procymidone is easy to result from repeated and simple use , although procymidone has good control effect on gray mold of strawberry .


  11. The mycelial growth rate of resistant strains on the medium without procymidone was less than that of sensitive strains and the quantums of spore-production was also less .


  12. Although hyphal growth velocity and pathogenicity of the mutants were lower than the parent strains , the mutants were not inhibited and growed well when the concentration of procymidone was moderate .


  13. The mixture of chlorothalonil and diniconazole in 6:4 and the mixture of procymidone and chlorothalonil in 2:8 are synergistic interaction combinations to Bipolaris maydis .


  14. All of these isolates were sensitive to antibiotic . Which have high resistance to several fungicides , such as 50 % procymidone , 18 % triadimefon and 70 % thiophanate-methy .


  15. The experiment was carried out for measuring effect of 10 % procymidone smoke agent bactericide of control tomato Botrytis cinerea in greenhouse . The results of field trails indicated that the control effects were up to 80.11 % ~ 86.73 % , and it sustained about 7 days .


  16. In greenhouse , the effects of controlling the fruit rot by Y 2 11 1 were 61.7 % ~ 72.1 % after one spray and 76.6 % ~ 85.3 % after two sprays , which was obviously better than those by 50 % procymidone ( 2 000 times ) .


  17. The sensitive isolates of Botrytis cinerea to procymidone treated with ultraviolet , N-methyl-N-nitroguanidine and procymidone could form mutant of resistance to procymidone . The mutant frequencies were 4 . 13 × 10-7 , 2 . 52 × 10-7 and 1 . 90 × 10-7 respectively .
