
A new concept in the project design of ap - proach system
Classroom teaching is the best platform while school training is the most basic ap - proach .
Two popular ways to perform CVP analysis are the equation ap - proach and the contribution margin approach .
In this paper , it is studied that segment-based multiple time series association rules analysis , and an ap - proach is presented .
This thesis focuses on the research of the tourist destination brand , to seek the proach to Construction of Tourist Destination Brand .
A Proach to Improving Load Carrying Capacity of Non-metal Elastc ■ lastic Body
OBJECTIVE : To prepare chloramphenicol eye was prepared with carbomer-940 as base , and the content of proach .
Calculated examples show a fairly high accuracy achieved in this ap - proach which accounts a mere 0.84 % relative error at most .
This paper discusses an ap - proach of software requirements analysis and elicitation based on essential use case , and compares it with the conven - tional use case technology .
Objective To discuss total vertebrectomy and spine stability and reconstruction by pos-terior ap proach for thoracic vertebra tumor and pedicle screw system fixation and intervertebral fusion .
Mojang has taken a lower-key ap proach .
The principles of fuzzy model reference learning control ( FMRLC ) is expatiated . The control ap ˉ proach is applied for hydraulic turbine governing system by adjusting or changing fuzzy rule_base .
The key principle of lexical a proach is that " language consists of grammaticalized lexis , not lexicalized grammar . " English vocabulary teaching should be based on lexical approach .
Futher ap - proach about the modular construction technology are given through the systematic conceptual analysing and mathematical model setting . The author hopes this article may provide some helps for plan comparision and practical application .
So far as the water resource utilization is concerned , the physical trading actually implies the virtual water trading , hence , the virtual water trading ap - proach can be used to alleviate the water scarcity in arid regions .
And the recurrence rate in labyrinth approach , retrosigmoid approach and middle cranial fossa ap - proach was 21.1 % ( 4 / 19 ), 10.5 % ( 4 / 38 ) and 0 % respectively .
For the sake of good control effect , T-S fuzzy model is used to approach Chen chaotic system and fuzzy controllers are obtained by applying the control theory of fuzzy system because the T-S fuzzy model can ap - proach exactly a class of affine nonlinear system .
The basic prerequisite , the necessary condition , and mam ap proach of possible value perpetuity is the perpetuity of human being itself , the human being 's perpetual pursuit of value , and the human being 's perpetual memory of historical figures who created great values .