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  1. The following code snippets show the differences when using a Statement and a PreparedStatement .


  2. To do so , define a new PreparedStatement by writing the SELECT query as appropriate .


  3. In this article , you learned how to more effectively use PreparedStatement objects to support more advanced queries .


  4. As shown in this example , you can also create a PreparedStatement to perform dynamic queries by using the ij tool .


  5. After this new PreparedStatement has been created , you can use it to insert new data into the products table by using the EXECUTE command .


  6. By using streams with a PreparedStatement , you can quickly insert large quantities of complex data into your Apache Derby database .


  7. With the ij tool , you can accomplish this by using the REMOVE command to remove the PreparedStatement .


  8. If you try to reuse this PreparedStatement after it 's been removed , an error is generated because the internal resources are no longer available .


  9. The PreparedStatement interface has been modified with subsequent JDBC revisions , providing additional functionality , which this article explores in more detail .


  10. Previously , you used a PreparedStatement to insert data into an Apache Derby database from within both a Java program and the ij tool .


  11. In this case , you want to disable autocommit mode because you reuse the same JDBC PreparedStatement more than once .


  12. Both statements can use the PreparedStatement syntax ( see Resources ) of "?" for a parameter , in which case the username will be set for every parameter .


  13. When you 're done using a PreparedStatement object , you need to inform that database that the internal database resources allocated for the PreparedStatement can be released .


  14. The opposite is true : PreparedStatement is recommended when a simple statement is executed many times with different values because the statement has to be compiled only once .


  15. This included using the ij tool to prepare , execute , and remove a PreparedStatement , which can be useful when you 're prototyping different approaches .


  16. Instead , you would need to create another preparedStatement for the delete , and another message would be sent to the database server to prepare the statement for the delete query .


  17. The SQL Maps framework will create a PreparedStatement instance , set any parameters using the provided parameter object , execute the statement , and build a result object from the ResultSet .


  18. Next , you were introduced to the concept of streaming data into a JDBC application , in this case a PreparedStatement parameter , to more efficiently insert data into an Apache Derby database .


  19. On the other hand , creating a PreparedStatement object introduces a certain amount of overhead , so , ideally , the statement 's lifetime will be sufficiently long to compensate for this overhead .
