
美 [ˌpriː ˈpeɪ]英 [ˌpriː ˈpeɪ]
  • 网络预付费
  1. It also has advantages in the pre-pay markets .


  2. Currently , half of the country's400 million cell phone users pre-pay for their mobile service provided by China Mobile and China Unicom .


  3. So the dealers adopt the pre-pay system .


  4. To solve the problems of existing electric control box , such as single alarm voice , easy to trigger and no hand reset , voice alarm of pre-pay electric control box was designed .


  5. Just as well that Rusal has wiggle room under its covenants , and better working capital management has helped free enough cash to pre-pay most debt falling due in the first half of 2013 .


  6. In profile control formula system , because of existing bibulous situation of high permeability reservoirs in injection wells , injecting method is used of cross-link polymer gel take along pre-pay angiocardiography expansion particles which can block off high permeability advantage channel .


  7. Now , for the fee of $ 50 a year – which you can pre-pay for two decades – anybody can create an online tomb for a dead person , which can be adorned with virtual flowers , poems , tributes or videos .
