pose a question

美 [poʊz ə ˈkwestʃən]英 [pəʊz ə ˈkwestʃən]
  • 提出问题
pose a questionpose a question
  1. Q I want to pose a question from the Internet .


  2. Allow me to pose a question .


  3. Pose a question that 's troubling you and see how your dream responds to it .


  4. He adds a comment to the requirements document , and then creates a discussion entry to pose a question .


  5. A Notebook allows you to pose a question to Learners and have them respond in Private , while a Noticeboard only allows you to provide content to Learners .


  6. I would like to pose a question to our decision makers , and all people of concern : Do we really understand the magnitude and scope of what we are proposing , this Great Crusade , this New War ?


  7. In my work as an actress , I don 't even pose such a question .


  8. All this leads me to pose a hypothetical question which I throw open to floor for debate .


  9. Indeed , we can pose a starker question .


  10. True , they will say , the state must respect the rule of law . But they pose a reasonable question : so long as it does , why should new technology trump its demands for information ?


  11. Other times , the announcer will pose a baseball trivia question .


  12. I wish to pose a very direct question to the Prime Minister about " Overlord " .


  13. Let me pose both of you a question .
