- n.端口;波特

We summarize the SWOT and PORTE of HS company ;
Even less excuse for porte ñ os , as the city 's residents are called , not to get on their bikes .
The16th Paris Chocolate Exhibition 's opening ceremony was held in Paris Porte de Versailles Exhibition Center , France .
The French like to call it entering " par La Grande Porte " , or " through the main door " .
Marius left the hotel de la Porte Saint-Jacques , as he did not wish to run in debt there .
Take the post-chaise which you will find waiting at the porte de Gnes , as you enter Nice .
The city 's nonstop spawning of new restaurants and arts spaces is a testament to the endless creativity of Porte , as its residents are called .
Danglars took advantage of Caderousse 's temper at the moment , to take him off towards Marseilles by the Porte Saint-Victor , staggering as he went .
The hamlet of Saint-Laurent with its church whose bell tower , from afar , seemed to add itself to the pointed towers of the Porte Saint-Martin ;
Mom drove to the local feed store in La Porte , Texas , and picked up a25-pound bag of scratch grains , a blend of milo , corn and oats .
Project Marketing Analysis and Company strategy : analyzing the industry market , developing the company strategy by use of SWOT , making the competitive analysis on the bases of Michael Porte 's theory , identifying the whole market , especially the targeted niche market .
Porte were waiting with bated breath for La Mar to open , which it did in April 2015 , thanks to the reputation of its celebrity chef Gast ó n Acurio .
Marius indulged in melancholy conjectures ; he dared not watch the porte cochere during the day ; he contented himself with going at night to gaze upon the red light of the windows .
Palazzi sent me a small sample of Paul-Marie et Fils " devant la porte " Grande Champagne Cognac , which I took my time about opening , but finally broke down .
Head to the quietly trending Colegiales neighborhood for dinner ( around 1300 pesos with wine for two ) at Astor Manduque Porte ( the name translates , roughly , to " where locals eat " ) .
For now , the area is a collection of conference centers that lie between the highway that runs around the city periphery and a not particularly distinguished residential neighborhood in the 15th Arrondissement , near the Porte de Versailles .
Moriyasu , who came up with the idea as a way to make greens more palatable to those that do not enjoy them , began selling her amazing creations at the Bistro La Porte Marseille restaurant in Nagoya in June 2015 .
After passing through Porte Saint Paul , the streets get even narrower and wind their way up to Castel Sainte Claire , Villa Noailles , and the remains of Hy è res 's ch â teau with its first rampart .
It meant a ride on the No. 4 M é tro line to the Porte de Clignancourt in the 18th Arrondissement and 15 minutes of jostling through a bazaar of cheap clothing , fabrics , leather goods , trinkets , cellphone covers , pots and pans .