- n.空心松饼,膨松饼(将蛋、奶、面调和后烘焙而成)

He walked to the trough and took a long drink of slops , sucking in the milk hungrily and chewing the popover .
The smell was delicious-warm milk , potato skins , wheat middlings , Kellogg 's Corn Flakes12 , and a popover left from the Zuckermans ' breakfast . \# p \#
Yorkshire pudding is an English savory dish similar to the American Popover , and made from batter .
That would be the Dutch baby pancake , a sweet , light , hollow roll ( popover ) normally served at breakfast .
Yorkshire pudding is an English savory dish similar to the American popover , and made from batter.Is most often served with roast beef , or any meal in which there is gravy , or on its own.Gravy is considered an essential accompaniment by many .