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  • 网络部分匹配交叉;部分映射交叉;厦门建松电器有限公司;小混混;培美曲塞
  1. Adjustment of Even Field for PMX Type Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer


  2. Besides , folate levels in embryotic tissues were also significantly reduced by PMX treatment .


  3. In addition , the PMX operator as well as other genetic operators for these two problems are very efficient , and so is the responding program .


  4. But , genetic algorithms using ordinal strings must use special crossover operators such as PMX , OX and CX , instead of general crossover operators .


  5. Genetic algorithms ( GA ) using ordinal strings must use special crossover operators such as PMX , CX and OX , which is very bother .


  6. PMX caused DNA damages in murine embryonic stem cells , oxidative stress injuries of mice and apoptosis of embryonic stem cells , leading to abnormal closure of neural tube and ultimately NTDs .


  7. A weighted sum method based on fuzzy satisfactory levels of objectives is proposed to treat the multiple objectives . Then , a genetic algorithm with sequence encoding and PMX crossover is developed to solve this kind of problems .


  8. A PSO can solve a discrete combination optimization such as VRP by using random exchange sequence and PMX operator . It is supposed that the hybrid PSO will be an effective method for discrete combinatory problems .
