pki ca

pki capki ca
  1. PKI CA is a mature system in the field of network security , but it is huge and cant solve all secure problems .


  2. The paper reviews the origin of PKI CA technology , analyzes the basic principle of PKI CA , demonstrates the current applied status inside and outside nation and applied prospect of PKI CA and describes some problems in PKI CA field .


  3. The Construction and Application of PKI / CA Technology in Special Information System


  4. Research on PKI / CA System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


  5. Simple discussion on the application of PKI / CA technology in the network bank safety control


  6. Application and Research of PKI / CA Within National Appropriative Operation Information Network Security


  7. Applied Research in Power Grid Corporation of PKI / CA Certification System Based on Network Notarization


  8. Research of PKI / CA is a very popular subject in the field in electronic business .


  9. Application Study on PKI / CA Interoperability


  10. Using commercial PKI / CA must be expensive when building PKI systems within companies and organizations .


  11. Design and Realize the Trans-Domain Authentication Platform Base on PKI / CA


  12. Implementing a System of Online Transaction Between the Internet Banking and Fund Company Based on PKI / CA Technology


  13. The development of electronic commerce requires the high security of network , PKI / CA is an effective solution .


  14. Synthesization of the Origin , the Current Status and the Future about PKI / CA Technology


  15. The PKI / CA certification technology was introduced , and the 3 major existing construction modes were analyzed .


  16. Combine digital watermarking and PKI / CA , and present the frame of digital watermarking infrastructure system .


  17. Summarization on PKI / CA Technology


  18. On CATV network , PKI / CA system 's trust model must be the compound model of hierarchy structure and distributed structure .


  19. IBE ( Identity Based Encryption ) technologies resolve the problems of the PKI and CA certificate .


  20. PKI / CA is a kind of safe system which is more reliable in guaranteeing the safety if network information at present .


  21. The installation and configuration of PKI / CA system and the application of its registration authority ( RA ) are described in detail .


  22. The system uses PKI / CA and serial number method and can fuse the direct-vision of electronic seal system with security of digital signature .


  23. Taxation system has already taken a series of security measure to safeguard the network and information safety , but does not still establish its own PKI / CA system .


  24. Secondly , docking system design , the front and back of the overall design of the system framework , explains the key system of innovation design PKI / CA interface .


  25. In order to promote the application of PKI / CA technology , the paper brings forward a model of integrated CA architecture based on CA bridge according to the development of national CA.


  26. Combining the practice of system application and characteristics of the tobacco industry , the PKI / CA system of the tobacco industry should be specially designed completely and be multilevel in structure .


  27. CA is the core of the authentication system . With the development of PKI and CA , the identify certificate used in identify authentication and identity verification has made the complete system .


  28. The author of this thesis was in charge of two sub-projects , PKI / CA infrastructure and authentication and authorization for application system , and dealt with the solution designing work .


  29. Secondly , the paper focuses on the relevant technical knowledge employed in developing the system , with the application of PKI / CA technologies to secure the operation of the online tax return filing system .


  30. Because of the complication of the application of e-government , there are still some incompleteness and imperfection in the application of PKI / CA which need promotion and improvement in the future work .
