- adj.海盗的

Their piratical legal system construction method are mainly through legal transplantation from west .
It effect is obvious in piratical use .
The trick will be to become political but remain piratical .
The piratical imperialist war is the beginning of civil war throughout Europe
Reasons of piratical software and its countermeasures
Just owning piratical kit may not be enough .
The play was the first in a long line of popular melodramas with piratical themes .
As you know , I 'm Chinese , and some of you might heard that China is a big country of Piratical Products .
The profits of piracy had gone but the piratical instinct remained .
The form , structure and character style of the models suggest that they were piratical models used in the Wang Mang period .
This provides a theoretical basis and a practical method for the study of the classification efficiency of the small flow hydrocyclone that for piratical separation .
" There was an element of the piratical in 17th and 18th century England ," he Said .
Book publishers face the same piratical threats from illegal file-sharing and copyright infringement as other media companies .
piracy The profits of piracy had gone but the piratical instinct remained . treacherous
For the reason of standardize the tourism development the government development a piratical plan . The plan has done something , yet it is still has some limitations .
16 large underground dens of illegal publication and piratical audio-visual products were investigated and prosecuted by the cultural system in the whole province in2007 .
One day Hoover hurried to Berlin to protest against the piratical act of a German submarine in sinking a Belgian relief ship .
Monitors struggle to distinguish the effect of deterrence from the rise of easy , cheap alternatives to piratical downloading , such as legal online music services .
So this paper took gas exploration in Sichuan Basin as an entry point to deploy a theoretic and piratical research systematically on the subject of ' risk assessment and risk decision for natural gas exploration ' .
Piratical raiders who launch devastating attacks throughout the galaxy , the Dark Eldar are a race to be feared , forever seeking new victims to satisfy their depraved pleasures .
Descended into , by the winding mule-tracks , it is a perfect miniature of a primitive seafaring town ; the saltest , roughest , most piratical little place that ever was seen .
For the rampancy of piratical Compact Discs and the illegal downloading of films and videos , the con - tent deliverer urgently needs a new technology to protect the legal films and videos .
Male frogs vastly outnumber the females . Because they often can 't find a female to mate with , gangs of piratical males have taken to hunting for freshly laid egg clutches .
It inserted adaptively a gray image for watermark to a color image according to block correlation of DCT coefficients , and extracted watermark without the original image . It can be used to detect the piratical digital works on internet .
In order to quantitatively study the piratical size distribution , particle profile and surface characteristics and directionality of laminar clay mineral of sliding zone soils , particle size analysis , slice analysis and scanning electron microscope methods are employed combined with fractal theory .