
美 [ˈpɪŋkər]英 [ˈpɪŋkə]
  • adj.粉红色的;与同性恋者有关的;政治观点偏左的;略呈左倾的
  • pink的比较级
  1. Pinker suggests the university 's job is cognitive .


  2. The collapse in violent crime , also charted by Pinker , still continues .


  3. The pinker it is , the more automated the activity is .


  4. Neville 's round , pink face went pinker .


  5. The Micro-process of Listening and Understanding during Interpreting from the Perspective of Pinker 's Model


  6. The Innateness and Modularity in Human Language G Language Review of Pinker ′ s The Language Instinct


  7. Pinker proposes the theory of Language Instinct and claims that language is a innate module deriving from evolution .


  8. They don 't think it 's their place , or , as Pinker put it , they don 't think they know .


  9. Steve Pinker has showed us that , in fact , we 're living during the most peaceful time ever in human history .


  10. As resort and spring fashion collections trickle in , hues are getting pinker .


  11. Dr Pinker 's point is that , like real cheesecake , music sates an appetite that nature cannot .


  12. Harvard University social scientist Steven Pinker argued in a data-rich book published last year that violence overall has declined .


  13. Steven Pinker , the great psychology professor at Harvard , wrote the most comprehensive response to Deresiewicz .


  14. Using the example of Star Trek , Steven Pinker , in his book How the Mind Works , nicely illustrates the problem here .


  15. Her cheeks were Pinker and her eyelids darker than they had been earlier in the day .


  16. Steven Pinker has said that music is " auditory cheesecake , " with no particular advantage in the evolution of our species .


  17. The way to select students into the elite colleges is not through any mysterious peering into applicants ' souls , Pinker continues .


  18. If you have porcelain or medium toned skin , opt for a pinker coral that will accent your natural flush .


  19. Critics of religion , like Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker , suggest that faith is a useless ( or worse ) by-product of other human characteristics .


  20. Dr Pinker may be right that music was originally an accident and Dr Patel may be right that it transforms people 's perceptions of the world without necessarily being a proper biological phenomenon .


  21. He also selected copies of the world 's great lectures on DVD as his luxury item , and chose to take Steven Pinker 's The Better Angels Of Our Nature as his book .


  22. If colleges admitted kids with the highest scores and companies hired applicants with the highest scores , Pinker writes , " many of the perversities of the current system would vanish overnight . "


  23. Steven Pinker , the writer and Harvard professor , told me that she filled an important niche within the school 's department , which has often harbored " mavericks with nontraditional projects , " including


  24. Last year , Gates recommended Steven Pinker 's book " The Better Angels of Our Nature : Why Violence Has Declined " to graduates , saying it was the " most inspiring " book he 's ever read .


  25. Pinker says annual deaths in battle dropped by over 90 per cent from the late 1940s through the early 2000s . Zero , writes Pinker , is the number of times that any country has conquered even parts of some other country since 1975 .


  26. Some academics might question it too : the psychologist Steven Pinker , for example , argues that human violence is steadily declining in the world today , at least when measured in terms of violence per capita , as opposed to gross military casualties .


  27. What we have before us then , is three distinct purposes for a university : the commercial purpose ( starting a career ) , Pinker 's cognitive purpose ( acquiring information and learning how to think ) and Deresiewicz 's moral purpose ( building an integrated self ) .
