
  • n.畏光症;畏光,羞明;恐光症


pain in the eye resulting from exposure to bright light (often associated with albinism)
Synonym: photalgia
a morbid fear of light


  1. Results After 3-18 months of follow-up , photophobia was reduced or disappear .


  2. Associated symptoms of nausea , photophobia , and phonophobia were also evaluated .


  3. Results Decrease or elimination in photophobia symptom and improvement on visual acuity were observed in all the cases after surgery .


  4. Rabies is an ancient zoonosis characterized by symptoms such as a fear of water , photophobia and mania .


  5. In mild cases eye pain conjunctival congestions and swelling , lacrimation . photophobia , visual disturbance were noted .


  6. Find out the symptoms of eye by questionnaire , which involve photophobia 、 tearing 、 swelling of eye and uncomfortable friction feeling .


  7. Results 0.1 ‰ mercury bichloride solution can easily cause conjunctiva red , pain , photophobia , shed tears and cornea edema .


  8. Results Exophthalmic symptoms such as photophobia , lacrimation and diplopia tended to decrease or disappeared in 8 cases .


  9. The study treatment has been well-tolerated , with mild to moderate adverse events observed including transient headache and photophobia , and an increase in triglyceride levels .


  10. In the course of eye development , the melanin lacking causes a series of abnormal manifestation , such as severe eyesight decrease , photophobia , nystagmus , etc.


  11. The approach VR is applied in psychic medicine ﹙ Virtual reality ﹚ to treat photophobia , social anxiety neurosis , anorexia and so on , and get good results .


  12. The clinical symptoms of patients are photophobia and low vision , the cloudiness of cornea , cloudiness of crystalline lens and glaucoma which often cause patients to lose sight .


  13. Results : MST led to better visual acuity , minimal endothelial cell loss and less astigmatism , the symptomatic photophobia and glare were retarded or eliminated in all cases .


  14. All the symptoms of itches , photophobia , lacrimation , foreign body sensation , mucous secretion and conjunctival congestion were relieved after three-week treatment .


  15. Follicular pustular and papules aggravated in the puberty with photophobia , xeroma and blepharitis .


  16. Dizziness , anxiety , syncope , and anorexia have also been reported as well as profuse tearing and photophobia . It 's a faintingly weak voice .


  17. The visual function can be recovered partly in most patients . However , spherical aberration and chromatic aberration caused by defects in the iris can lead to severe photophobia and glare in such patients .


  18. An acute whole-cranial , severe headache a ociated with fever , photophobia , and stiff neck indicates an infectious prove , such as meningitis , until proved otherwise .


  19. Mood swings or fatigue caused by genetic characteristics , before the onset of several hours to several daily with nausea , vomiting , photophobia , phonophobia , prodromal symptoms of depression and burnout .


  20. Results After being managed 15 eyes did not appear photophobia , unilateral diplopia or glare . The visual acuity improved to 1.0-1.2 in 2 eyes , 0.5-0.9 in 6 eyes , 0.4 in 2 eyes and 0.1-0.3 in 5 eyes .


  21. Migraine , a kind of common headache , is a sort of vascular headache , which occurs from time to time with headaches in one side or both sides of the head , and is often accompanied with dizziness , nausea , vomiting and photophobia when it comes .


  22. Conclusion The clinical value of black-diaphragm IOL implantation in management of traumatic aniridia and aphakia is significant , which can decrease or eliminate photophobia symptom , reconstruct the anterior segment , improve visual acuity and escape from disability to the injury eyes , the operation deserves popularization .
