
  • n.语文学家;语文研究者
  • philologist的复数;philology的复数
  1. A Brief Study of Chinese Philologists in the 20th Century


  2. English summary : among modern Chinese loan words , the words from English are larger , and they are focused by philologists .


  3. In fact , there are only a very small number of textual alterations that modern philologists and critics consider intentional changes ;


  4. Other notable Welsh philologists were missionary David Jones who first put the Malagasy language of Madagascar into writing ;


  5. because Saint Augustine had been recognized by scholars , philologists , historians , as one of the founders of introspection .


  6. Taking great care of moral significance in literature , Babbitt strongly disagreed with some philologists who had taken literature as a scientific record of the historical changes of language .


  7. It is an important and arduous mission for bibliographers and philologists to carry out an all-round systematic research on extant Northern Dynasties ' Epitaphs .


  8. The ancient philologists often ignored this , which resulted in the words notes and annotations failing to express the meaning of " Z à I B à I ";


  9. Home page of the Belgian Chamber of Translators , Interpreters and Philologists with description of the Chamber 's activities , bylaws , and code of business practices .


  10. It lays equal stress on both rhyme and rhythm , attaches importance to the application of life experience and dialectal materials , all of which deserve careful reflection and study by philologists .


  11. They pass into conventional symbols in the multiform uses of daily speech ; they become commonplace factors of a commonplace present , and remain historic only to lexicographers and philologists .
