
  • n.苯(酚)苄胺;苯氧苄胺;苯氧苯扎明
  1. The Clinical Observation of Postpartum Urinary Retention of Prevention and Treatment with Phenoxybenzamine


  2. The cross protection test demonstrated that atropine could provide a significant protecting action for the blockade by phenoxybenzamine .


  3. Microcirculation Observation on Treatment of Serious Infective Shock with Phenoxybenzamine and Aramine and Preliminary Investigation on the Action Mechanism


  4. Preliminary preparation needed to use alpha-adrenergic blocking agent ( Phenoxybenzamine ) and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor ( Captopril ) .


  5. When rats were injected with adrenergic blocking agents , timolol and phenoxybenzamine , 1 h before burn , the activities of succinate respiratory chain were partly inhibited 30 min post-burn .


  6. Phenoxybenzamine was given to 207 cases and urapidil to 78 during preoperative period , lasting for 2 ~ 9 weeks with a mean of 6 weeks . The remaining 1 underwent emergent surgery without use of α - adrenergic blockers .


  7. The rates of withdrawing treatment due to side effects were in turn 18.5 % of Phenoxybenzamine , 7.4 % of Prazosin , 5.1 % of Terazosin , and 0 % of Doxazosin mesylate con - trolled release tablets .


  8. The hemodynamic effects of ligustrazine , tetrandrine , phentolamine and phenoxybenzamine on pulmonary circulation were studied . Ligustrazine ( 80mg / kg ) and phenoxybenzamine ( 0.25mg / kg ) dilated pulmonary vessels , increased cardiac output and inhibited hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction as well as dilated slightly systemic vessels .
